Monday, December 3, 2018

Local Writing groups to read at a fundraiser on Tuesday, December 18, 2018, for Valleytown Cultural Arts and Historical Society, Andrews, NC


Tuesday, December 18, 2018, at 6 PM, NCWN-West, along with Ridgeline Literary Alliance, will read original poetry and prose as the entertainment at a fundraiser for Valleytown Cultural Arts and Historical Society, Andrews NC.  

This is a new adventure, to build an alliance between the writing community and the arts association in Andrews, NC.  

Six writers, all belonging to both Ridgeline and NCWN-West, will read their work:

Loren Leith
Mary Ricketson
Jim Davis
Natalie Grant
Joan Howard
Ryvers Stewart

The event includes a wine tasting and live music, at Valleytown Cultural Arts Center, 125 Chestnut St, Andrews NC 28901
Tickets will be on sale soon, $15 per person.

More publicity will be available from the arts association soon.
Please support this event, attend if you can, and spread the word.

Mary Ricketson, Rep for NCWN-West, Cherokee County
and President of Ridgeline Literary Alliance

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Meagan Lucas is nominated for the 2019 Pushcart Prize for her short story, "Voluntary Action."

Congratulations to NCWN-West member, Meagan Lucas, who has been nominated for the 2019 Pushcart Prize, a prestigious American literary prize published by Pushcart Press that honors the best "poetry, short fiction, essays or literary whatnot" published in small presses over the previous year. Click on the link to go to and read Meagan's nominated short story, "Voluntary Action."  

A Canadian who found home in Western NC, Meagan lives in Hendersonville with her husband and their two small children. Meagan writes literary fiction and teaches composition at AB Tech. 

Her work can be found in a variety of literary journals including:The Santa Fe Writers Project, The Penmen Review, The New Southern Fugitives, Embark Literary Journal, Attic Door Press and Barren Magazine. Her story “Kittens” is the 2017 Winner of the Scythe Prize for Fiction. Family life, the grey space between right and wrong, and the dark underbelly of the American Dream figure prominently in her work. 

You can read more at:  She tweets grudgingly @mgnlcs. When she's not writing or teaching, she likes to bake and haunt bookstores.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

White Cross School - informative and interesting

If you aren't following the White Cross School blog on the NCWN website, you are missing important news for writers.

In this post we learn why books should be in the homes of all children. If children are read to, they learn to enjoy books and will soon be reading them as well.

As a former elementary school teacher, I could tell which of my students were exposed to books in their homes. Some of them loved to read and were careful with books while others had no use for them. Those who liked books were usually the students who made better grades.

I think almost any subject can be taught in a way children will learn if there is a book written on that subject, a book that tells an interesting story. Text books are often dull and uninteresting. But story books grab a child's imagination and run with it. 

If you write for children or if you have children, read this blog post on the Whitecross blog.

Every writer is excited to get the first contract for publishing a book.

Before you sign that contract, make sure you’re as prepared as possible for just what you’re signing on for—and what you’re signing away.  

In this post, a book is recommended for writers to help them understand what they are signing when they get that contract. I'd say this is one of the most important things any writer needs to know. 

We are fortunate that we have the opportunity to read this informative blog and learn from it. As members of NCWN, we don't take advantage of what is offered to us. Visit the NCWN website and read the blog. You will get your money's worth, I assure you. 

Have you had a bad experience after signing a contract for publishing a book? Tell us about it in our comments section.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

NC Poetry Society announces their annual NCPS Adult Contests are open for submission


The following information is for the 2019 NCPS Adult Contests for individual poems. Submissions will be accepted beginning November 15, 2018, and ending January 13, 2019. 

Judges will be the North Carolina Poet Laureate and distinguished poets residing outside North Carolina. The judge of the Bloodroot Haiku contest will be selected by the North Carolina Haiku Society.

Contest submissions this year may be emailed to (See below for more detailed guidelines).  Fees for the Poet Laureate Contest and for non-members may be paid online using PayPal or credit card.

Winning poems (including honorable mentions, but excluding finalists in the Poet Laureate contest) will be published in the NCPS poetry contest anthology Pinesong. For more information about current and past issues of Pinesong, click here.

Winning poets will be invited to read their winning poems at Awards Day in May 2019.

Complete rules can be found here:


Saturday, November 17, 2018

Henderson County- Who was the first Netwest Rep there?

Today I am re-blogging a post from 2015 because we have new members who don't know about our history. We want them to know about one of our most active reps who was, actually, the first (Netwest) NCWN-West rep for Henderson County. 

She was dedicated and loyal to NCWN and NCWN-West, giving her time and energy for other writers and for her writing organization. If you are new, let Lana know we still appreciate her. 

Read about Lana Hendershott here.
Lana Hendershott at Bookfest promoting Netwest anthology,
Echoes Across the Blue Ridge

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Contest Deadline Extended

You now have until November 17 to enter
 the Georgia Poetry Society Contests

The Georgia Poetry Society conducts 7 contests every year in the fall, open to all poets. In addition to earning cash prizes, the top three poems in each contest are published in The Reach of Song, the annual GPS poetry anthology. You don't need to be a member to submit. Submission fees are $2 per poem for members and $3 per poem for nonmembers. 
Entries are needed, and this is your chance to win. The deadline for the entries to be emailed or postmarked is November 17.  
Email submissions are preferred, but mailed submissions are accepted. Winners will  be asked to submit electronic copies for printing in The Reach of Song. More info, at this link: 

Saturday, November 10, 2018


C. Hope Clark, author of mystery series, creator of Funds for Writers, has written an article for and it is a free writing lesson. She writes about problems of beginning writers and gives detailed information on how to cure those problems. Read this. You might learn something that could be very helpful.

"Rather than telling the reader what’s going on, my students could now make the reader experience what the character does, when the character does it, tallying the stimuli in an attempt to reach some sort of summation about that point in the story."  C. Hope Clark