Now, what can poet make of this? A Butternut Poem, of course.
The Sound Of Poets Cooking - an anthology cookbook
These are difficult times for everyone, and in an effort to produce a fun anthology/cookbook that will also address the needs of writers and the communities they live in, we are seeking poems that make reference to an item that might be used for food. The poems do not need to be about eating or cooking, they only have to mention something that can be eaten. There is no cost to submit one poem. If you wish to submit more than one, the fee is $1 per page.
The anthology will feature both well-known and lesser-known writers. Proceeds from the sale of the book will go to provide writers grants to teach free writing workshops in their communities. There will be a simple, one-page application form at the back of the anthology to apply for this program. These grants will be available to all writers, not just the ones whose work appears in this anthology.
Although we are primarily looking for poems, if you have a favorite recipe, simple to moderate in preparation and cost, feel free to send that along as well.
Submissions Accepted Through June 1, 2009. Decisions made by July 1, 2009.
Submit poems to foodpoems@gmail.com. Put "Poetry Submission" and your last name in the subject line of your email. . Please paste your poem(s) in the body of the email. Include a one-paragraph biography at the bottom of the email. If you are sending a recipe, add the word 'Recipe" to the subject line. If you are submitting more than one poem, we will reply with directions on how to submit payment for the additional poems.
Previously published poems are welcome. Note when and where they were published.
Simultaneous submissions are fine.

Richard Krawiec has published 2 novels, a story collection, a collection of poetry, and 4 plays. He has won fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, the North Carolina Arts Council, and the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts. He won the Excellence in Teaching Award in 2009 for the online writing courses he teaches for UNC Chapel Hill. He has edited two previous anthologies that featured the work of well-known writers like Betty Adcock, James Applewhite, Kay Byer, Fred Chappel, Michael Chitwood, Reynolds Price, Lee Smith, Shelby Stephenson, Elisabeth Spencer and other writers, both celebrated and unknown. For more information on him visit his website.