Tri-County Community College, Enloe Building, Murphy,NC -
Saturday, September 10 -- 9:00 a.m. - 12:00, lunch break, 1:00 -4:00 pm.
Nuts and bolts of good writing.
Covering basics in writing: passive/active voice, dialogue, metaphors, show not tell.
Important things for anyone wanting to make their words sparkle and be noticed.
Some of the six hour course will be interactive. Bring laptops if you want. Wireless provided.
Instructor: Shirley Uphouse, former Netwest Program Coordinator, Co-editor of the anthology, Lights in the Mountains, author of a memoir, My Friends, My Dogs, and numerous stories in magazines.
Call Shirley Uphouse 828-837-6007 or contact TCCC Continuing Education,
828-837-6810, fee $25.00.
Writers and poets in the far western mountain area of North Carolina and bordering counties of South Carolina, Georgia and Tennessee post announcements, original work and articles on the craft of writing.
Showing posts with label Shirley Uphouse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shirley Uphouse. Show all posts
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Sunday, November 7, 2010
NC Writers Network is holding their 25th Fall Conference this weekend in Charlotte. (2010) I am strongly aware of the event and wish I could have attended. I feel forced to "live in memory" with a few old photos of the November 4-6, 2005 NCWN Fall Conference. That was "once upon a time" when NCWN West was included.
Glenda Beall, Janice Townley Moore, Nancy Simpson, Shirley Uhouse and Kathryn Stripling Byer.
Glenda Beall, Rosemary Royston, Janice Townley Moore and Nancy Simpson.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Our membership is saddened today to hear of the passing of Warren Uphouse, Shirley's husband of 37 years. To send condolences, you will find Shirley's address on your membership list. No service is planned.
Shirley served NCWN West as Program Coordinator for several years and was responsible for holding the Lights in the Mountains writing conferences in 2005 and 2006. She also was co-editor of the first NCWN West anthology, Lights in the Mountains, Stories, Essays and Poems by Writers Living in and Inspired by the Southern Appalachian Mountains.
Shirley served NCWN West as Program Coordinator for several years and was responsible for holding the Lights in the Mountains writing conferences in 2005 and 2006. She also was co-editor of the first NCWN West anthology, Lights in the Mountains, Stories, Essays and Poems by Writers Living in and Inspired by the Southern Appalachian Mountains.
Saturday, December 13, 2008

The Mountain Valley Country
Store, route 69, Hayesville, NC will hold their Christmas Extravaganza on Saturday December 20.

Shirley Uphouse will be signing her book My Dogs My Friends starting around noon.
Glenda Beall will be signing copies of the anthology, Cup of Comfort for Horse Lovers edited by Colleen Sell and published by Adams Media.
This book is filled with stories that celebrate the extraordinary relationship between horse and rider.
Both books make great last minute gifts for animal lovers.
The store has a great selection of items for dogs -- toys, leads, bones and of course, food.
Horse enthusiasts will find jeans, boots, hats, saddles, bridles and grooming tools here.
Saturday, December 20th is the annual Mountain Valley Country Store Christmas Extravaganza! THE EVENT MASTER, Gary St. Pierre, with his all new Christmas Show. The store will be open late with STORE WIDE SAVINGS -- food and refreshments from 4 until 8. Register now for a $500 Shopping Spree to be given away at 7:00 pm. You must be present to win !!!
Shirley and Glenda invite anyone in the Clay and Cherokee area of NC and the folks in north Georgia to come by.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Poems and Stories of Christmas at Moss Library in Hayesville

Brenda Kay Ledford
C. Shirley Uphouse

C. Shirley Uphouse

Three Netwest members will read at the annual night of poems and stories of Christmas at the Moss Memorial Library in Hayesville, NC, Thursday evening, December 18, 7:00 PM.
Shirley Uphouse of Marble, NC, Glenda Barrett of Hiawassee, Georgia and Brenda Kay Ledford of Hayesville will share their memories and stories of the holiday season.
The event is sponsored by Friends of the Library and Netwest.
Brenda Kay Ledford is one of the authors in the new anthology, Christmas Presence, published by Catawba Publishing. Brenda Kay, a poet and writer with two poetry books, Shew Bird Mountain and Sacred Fire, recently published by Finishing Line Press has been published in numerous magazines and literary journals such as Pembroke Magazine, Asheville Poetry Review, Main Street Rag, Appalachian Heritage, and Our State Magazine. Her first poetry chapbook, Patchwork Memories, received the 2005 Paul Green Multimedia Award from North Carolina Society of Historians.
Glenda Barrett's poetry chapbook, When the Sap Rises, was published earlier this year by Finishing Line Press. Her poems and stories have been widely published in magazines such as Woman's World, Yesterday's Gazette, and most recently accepted for the Journal of Kentucky Studies. Her story, The French Harp, one of the holiday stories in the anthology Christmas Presence, has been reprinted in The Georgia Magazine.
Shirley Uphouse, past Program Coordinator for Netwest, is author of a memoir, My Friends, My Dogs, and her work is widely published in magazines such as Dog Fancy, Smoky Mountain Living and others. One of the stories in her memoir can be read online in The Show Ring, Shirley has been a professional dog show judge for over 25 years.
This event is a warm and inviting way to start the season each year. The audience gets involved by reading their own original poems and stories. While enjoying a table laden with a variety of refreshments served by Moss Library staff, attendees enjoy socializing with the writers and others from the community. Bring something to read or come and listen. Authors will be happy to sign their books.
The event is sponsored by Friends of the Library and Netwest.
Brenda Kay Ledford is one of the authors in the new anthology, Christmas Presence, published by Catawba Publishing. Brenda Kay, a poet and writer with two poetry books, Shew Bird Mountain and Sacred Fire, recently published by Finishing Line Press has been published in numerous magazines and literary journals such as Pembroke Magazine, Asheville Poetry Review, Main Street Rag, Appalachian Heritage, and Our State Magazine. Her first poetry chapbook, Patchwork Memories, received the 2005 Paul Green Multimedia Award from North Carolina Society of Historians.
Glenda Barrett's poetry chapbook, When the Sap Rises, was published earlier this year by Finishing Line Press. Her poems and stories have been widely published in magazines such as Woman's World, Yesterday's Gazette, and most recently accepted for the Journal of Kentucky Studies. Her story, The French Harp, one of the holiday stories in the anthology Christmas Presence, has been reprinted in The Georgia Magazine.
Shirley Uphouse, past Program Coordinator for Netwest, is author of a memoir, My Friends, My Dogs, and her work is widely published in magazines such as Dog Fancy, Smoky Mountain Living and others. One of the stories in her memoir can be read online in The Show Ring, Shirley has been a professional dog show judge for over 25 years.
This event is a warm and inviting way to start the season each year. The audience gets involved by reading their own original poems and stories. While enjoying a table laden with a variety of refreshments served by Moss Library staff, attendees enjoy socializing with the writers and others from the community. Bring something to read or come and listen. Authors will be happy to sign their books.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Comments on Writers Talking All Day About Writing
"Great workshop. Fun, and I learned some good tips. Carol (Crawford)puts on a good workshop." Shirley Uphouse, former Program Coordinator for Netwest
"A lot of my confusion over how to go about putting a chapbook together was cleared up in our group, and I did my best to take copious notes before and after lunch. All of us really got a lot out of it, and got to know each other better. It's been a long time since I've written any new poetry, but I'm inspired to try to find a time and place that's conducive to writing". Carole Thompson
"Great Workshop, Glenda! I enjoyed every minute of it (Nancy is great!) and I met some interesting new writers! What a wonderful event! Hey, we don’t have to import good teachers." Janice Moore
I met wonderful people who write fabulous poetry. Nancy Simpson is passionate about helping poets get published, and she willingly shares her wisdom. I left the workshop inspired, with my head full of ideas for improving my poems and writing new ones!" Karen Holmes from Atlanta
This workshop was wonderful. Carol Crawford presented a well-balanced and structured class. The writing exercises were not only fun but an excellent learning tool. At the breaks, we commented on the excitement of learning and being offer something new at each event. The day flew by. The greatest benefit is the stimulation you feel at the end of the class. All you want to do is get home and start writing. Truly it was a wonderful day. My only regret was that I had to select one class with the offer of two great teachers. Thats life. Carol McAfee, winner in the Cherokee County Silver Arts competition, 2008
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"A lot of my confusion over how to go about putting a chapbook together was cleared up in our group, and I did my best to take copious notes before and after lunch. All of us really got a lot out of it, and got to know each other better. It's been a long time since I've written any new poetry, but I'm inspired to try to find a time and place that's conducive to writing". Carole Thompson
"Great Workshop, Glenda! I enjoyed every minute of it (Nancy is great!) and I met some interesting new writers! What a wonderful event! Hey, we don’t have to import good teachers." Janice Moore
I met wonderful people who write fabulous poetry. Nancy Simpson is passionate about helping poets get published, and she willingly shares her wisdom. I left the workshop inspired, with my head full of ideas for improving my poems and writing new ones!" Karen Holmes from Atlanta
This workshop was wonderful. Carol Crawford presented a well-balanced and structured class. The writing exercises were not only fun but an excellent learning tool. At the breaks, we commented on the excitement of learning and being offer something new at each event. The day flew by. The greatest benefit is the stimulation you feel at the end of the class. All you want to do is get home and start writing. Truly it was a wonderful day. My only regret was that I had to select one class with the offer of two great teachers. Thats life. Carol McAfee, winner in the Cherokee County Silver Arts competition, 2008
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