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Martha O. Adams reads her work |
Congratulations to our Henderson county NetWest Reps, Lana Hendershott and Pat Vestal, who have recently organized an Open Mic in Hendersonville, NC. This no-cost NetWest sponsored event is held at the Henderson County Library,
301 N Washington St, Hendersonville, NC, 28739 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. on the third Monday of the month.
The library, conveniently located in the center of town, has an auditorium, just to the right of the main entrance, with ample seating. Non-messy snacks and drinks, such as bottled water, are allowed into the auditorium. The time of the event was chosen to allow for those who are at work to come to the Open Mic at the end of their work day, before they go home.
It's working well. Lana and Pat report that the event is well attended, and that writers in their area are happy to have this venue for reading their work.
Full details can be found on the NetWest calendar page
here. For more information, or to sign up to read your work, please e-mail Lana or Pat at Henderson County Events,