Sunday, August 29, 2010

WRITERS Celebrated the Publication of ECHOES ACROSS THE BLUE RIDGE

NC Writers Network West celebrated yet again the publication of Echoes Across the Blue Ridge on Sunday August 29, 2010 in Murphy, North Carolina, at TWICE UPON A TIME Book Store.

Editor Nancy Simpson thanked all who donated their writing and all who worked to accomplish the publication of the anthology.

Let it be noted that Richard Argo (February 21, 1944 - July 8, 2010) was remembered and that Paul Donovan read one of Richard Argo's stories from Echoes Across the Blue Ridge.

A number of authors read their own work that was included in the anthology.

A champaign toast was made by Clarence Newton.

Thank you to Mary Ricketson who hosted the event.

Book Stores where you can buy a copy of Echoes Across the Blue Ridge $16.00

City Lights Books, Sylva

Curiosity Books in Murphy, NC

Phillips and Lloyd Books in Hayesville, NC

Books Unlimited, Franklin, NC

Book Nook, Blairsville, GA

Blue Ridge Books, Waynesville, NC

Malaprop's bookstore in Asheville, NC

Twice Upon A Time in Murphy, NC

Highlands Books, Brevard, NC

Fountainhead Book Store, Hendersonville,NC

Phone number: 828-835-9319
Twice Upon A Time Used Books
1214 Andrews Rd
Murphy , North Carolina 28906 United States

A special Thank You to Peg Russell who took these photos.

Friday, August 27, 2010


Reading and Book Signing at Blue Ridge Books, Waynesville, NC, August 28, 2010

Blue Ridge Books in downtown Waynesville will host a reading and book signing for the new anthology "Echoes Across the Blue Ridge," from 1:00-2:30 p.m. on Saturday, August 28.

The anthology includes a variety of stories, essays, and poems by writers living in and inspired by the Southern Appalachian Mountains. The list of authors includes Kathryn Stripling Byer, Gary Carden, Thomas Rain Crowe, and many others.
Best-selling author Lee Smith has praised the book as a "dynamite collection-strong and surprising." Author, poet, and Western Carolina professor Ron Rash writes of the book, "Anyone who enjoys Appalachian Literature will be delighted by this excellent anthology, particularly because it introduces the reader to a number of our region's gifted though lesser-known writers."
Local authors scheduled to appear on August 28 include Dick Michener, JC Walkup, George Ivey, Glenda Beall, and Jane Young.
The book is now available for sale at local bookstores, including Blue Ridge Books in Waynesville, City Lights in Sylva, and Malaprop's Bookstore and Café in Asheville. For more information, go online to
NCWN West Events coming in August and September:

The ANNUAL FALL PICNIC will be held on Sunday, Sept. 12 at the western Carolina University Picnic Grounds Beginning at 3:00 p.m. You will find directions to the grounds and picnic shelter at this LINK .



On Sept 10 at 7 pm, we'll be meeting in Wilson Lecture Hall, located in the Goolsby Center on the campus of Young Harris College.

Beforehand, we hope to have some light refreshments in the board room close to the lecture hall; stay tuned for more infomation on that.

Sept 10 features Dan Veach, poet and editor who has made international appearances. He's also a really nice approachable guy, and his poetry is very accessible. Don't be afraid to read at the Open Mic in front of him!

For Writers' Night Out in the future, we hope to be in the Campus Gate Art Gallery.

Sunday, August 29, Celebration Party for Echoes Across the Blue Ridge
Twice Upon a Time Books, Murphy, NC - Food, fun, readings from Echoes. Book sales and signings. 1:30 p.m. Contact Mary Ricketson for information.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Call for Submission for Poets

Anyone remember the Gumball Poetry project from a few years back? Wisconsin poet Shoshauna Shy is launching a similar venture through Poetry Jumps Off the Shelf and is looking for poems on the theme "the luck of the draw." Read all the details here; deadline for submitting is November 30th.

Friday, August 20, 2010

MARY MIKE KELLER (From "Here Where I Am" blog)

When Mary Mike Keller read her poem "As the Deer" at our Gala Publication party for Echoes Across the Blue Ridge, hosted by City Lights Bookstore two weeks ago, I was swept away. It's a beautiful poem, and she read it beautifully. This poem is yet another reason to own a copy of Echoes. Go to the Echoes page on Facebook and take a look. Or the Netwest blog. You will find information on how to purchase the book.

As The Deer

The dulcimer drones tranquil

as the pick grazes across strings

as the deer across the glade

My thumb under f sharp mimics

her tongue curled to pluck

a blade intoned on b

Quietness slides along her body

my finger descending the string

in a smooth slur of music

The sweetness of the melody

new as young grass lingers

in the lea of my instrument

A barre chord trembles

I wait

for that last unfettered fret

----Mary Michelle Brodine Keller

Mary Mike reads her poem at the Gala event.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Monday, August 16, 2010



Echoes Across the Blue Ridge

Sun, 08/22/2010 - 3:00pm

Members of North Carolina Writers' Network's western chapter (Netwest) present poems and short stories from the latest collection, Echoes Across the Blue Ridge. Visiting contributors include George Ivey, Susan Lefler, Carl Iobst, Glenda Beall, and others.

Malaprop's Bookstore/Cafe
55 Haywood St
Asheville, North Carolina 28801

By Nancy Simpson (Editor), Robert Morgan (Introduction By), Kathryn Stripling Byer (Contributor)
ISBN-13: 9781450701525
Availability: On Our Shelves Now
Published: Winding Path Publishing, 07/01/2010

Sunday, August 15, 2010


We turned right on Spring Street and drove to the top of the hill. City Lights Book Store in Sylva, NC. Believe me, the place was surrounded by cars and people. The party was hosted by Kathryn Stripling Byer, NCWN West's Program Coordinator, City Light Book Store and Spring Street Cafe.

Glenda Beall, NCWN West Marketing Manager.

Kathryn Stripling Byer welcomed Linda M. Smith from Hayesville, NC and Mary Michelle Keller from Young Harris, Georgia.
Delicious Food was spread and a champaign toast was made to the editor and contributors.

Chances are you were there, for I recall standing room only, one hundred or more writers paying their respects to one another for a job completed, a job well done.

And so once again, I felt "out of my body", beside myself with joy, with echoes across City Lights Book Store and Spring Street Cafe on the evening of August 8, 2010.

Most of these photos were taken by Peri Gordon Flohr. I'm sharing them with NCWN West Program Coordinator, Kathryn Stripling Byer, so you may see even more of them on the Netwest site.

Peri Gordon Flohr, writer (took most of these pictures, except for a few stolen by N.S. )

Janice Townley Moore of Hayesville, NC, Tipper Pressley of Brasstown, NC, William V. Reynolds of Murphy, NC, Rose Mary Royston of Blairsville, Georgia, Truman McKillip of Marble, NC and Joyce Reynolds of Murphy NC.

Poet Rose Mary Royston had three poems chosen for ECHOES ACROSS THE BLUE RIDGE:
"Dogwood Winter", "Neighbor Lady" and "The Possibliity of Snow". She read two poems in the open mic reading at the party.

Poet Clarence Lee Newton from Young Harris, Georgia, had two poems included: "Walking on Chatuge Dam at Dawn" and "Glad Hands at Lake Burton."
Glenda Beall's essay " The Trillium" found on page 31 of the anthology.

Poet Jayne Jaudon Ferrer had two poems in the anthology: "Street Scene" and "Homage."

Gary Carden is the author of an essay, " Listen to the Mockingbird" included in the anthology and also a short story: "Quincy and Rush."

Thomas Rain Crowe is the author of "Triple Negatives: Losing A Langauge" included in
Echoes Across the Blue Ridge. The essay contained two poems: "Here With Who Shot John" and"Crack Light".

Poet, Ellen Andrews authored two poems included the anthology: "Homing" and "Contradance in Brasstown".

Jennifer McGaha's essay "Looking Glass" was chosen for the anthology.

Fiction Writer, George Ivey wrote "Creekside Conspiracies".

Poet Rachel Bronnum had two poems included in the anthology: "The Goat Man" and "Emma". (here with Echoes Across the Blue Ridge editor Nancy Simpson)

Poet from Cherokee, Deborah Kinsland Foerst, authored two poems: " Corn Dance" and
"a gi li si."

Poet Joyce Foster, authored "A Taste of a Ripe Peach at Midnight."

Mary Michelle Keller recited her poem "As the Deer".

Linda M. Smith read "The Lapadry Artist", one of her poems in ECHOES ACROSS THE BLUE RIDGE.

Carole Richard Thompson recited her poem, " Returning", about twin falls returning after a long drought in the north Georgia Mountains. p 140. "I hear again/the liquid music of the mountains, spilling over ledges,/ and there, across a divide, stand two triumphant waterfalls."

Laughter. Carl Iobst read "Aunt Lucille Whups the Bear."
More Laughter: Mary Lou McKillip, story teller and writer read her anthology story, "If You Can't Run With the Big Dogs, Stay on the Porch."

Arnie Nielson read his story that made me warm all over, and made a tear roll out of my eye - "Sadie Underwood."

Robert Edward Fahey read "Mountain Journal" an excerpt from The Mourning After, a novel in progress.

Dick Michener had two short stories in the anthology: "Jesus Freak" and "The Final Gathering"

Janice Townley Moore read " Photos From Another State." She also had a second poem published in the anthology, "In September."

William V. Reynolds read "The Man on the Doorsteps." He is the author of many novels and the owner of Double Eagle Enterprises - BOOKS FOR THE COMMON MAN

Last but not least to read her story "The Spirit Tree" was Susan Lefler from Brevard, North Carolina.
In Memory of Richard Argo,( Feb. 21, 1944 - July 8, 2010) NCWN West's Monthly Prose Critique Group Leader for 15 years, the author of "The Apple Man" and " Turtle" . It seemed to me he was there with us at City Lights, reading his stories to us.

Where can I buy a copy of ECHOES ACROSS THE BLUE RIDGE?

City Lights Books, Sylva
and other book stores in the western Carolina mountains.
It is is available for purchase at only $16.00.