Showing posts with label books with errors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label books with errors. Show all posts

Friday, March 9, 2012

How Many Mistakes Will You Accept

Many books I read today have errors in them. Some are grammatical. Some are misspelled words and some have misplaced modifiers.
Granted most of the better publishers have copy editors that correct this kind of problem, but I wonder why we still find so many books that seem like the writer refused to let a good editor make changes in the work.
For some reason, when I pick up a book with obvious errors, I don't want to buy it. I don't want to go any further. It gives me the impression that the writer, the editor, and the publisher don't have much pride in the product.

I have been told that is the reason book stores don't like to carry self-published books -- they just don't measure up to the books on the shelves. And book store owners don't want to put a book on the shelf when the writing is mediocre and the errors slow down the reader.

How do you feel about buying a book and finding errors on every other page?
Even if the book is touching, humorous, and filled with a story that grabs me, I turn off on the errors.
How about you? What do you think about producing a book filled with errors.?

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