John Hoppenthaler has just notified me that the first online issue of Connotation is up. This is a free-wheeling e-zine that features drama, essay, poetry, fiction, as well as visual art. Give it a looksee. One of the poets in this first issue is Catherine Carter, 3rd place winner in Netwest's Environmental Writing contest. Her three poems are well worth your reading time. Catherine is a Roanoke-Chowan Winner; one of her poems won the recent Randall Jarrell Poetry Award from NCWN. She teaches at WCU.
Connotation Press accepts submissions in poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, play writing, screenplay, graphic or visual arts, interview, book review, music review, video (for spoken word or music or…), etc. Basically, we′re looking at virtually every genre or crossover genre you can create.
Connotation Press only accepts online submissions, and we read submissions all year long. We generally will respond to submissions within six weeks; if you don′t hear back from us by then, feel free to inquire about the status of your manuscript. Please wait for a response before sending a second submission in any one genre.
We encourage simultaneous submissions, but please inform us immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere.
We only accept original, previously unpublished work. Translations should be submitted with original texts. Indicate that you have copyright clearance and/or author permission.
If your work is chosen for publication, we may ask for a brief interview, conducted by one of our editors, in addition to or in lieu of a traditional author′s bio, and a photograph.
What Digital Formats We Accept
Text Submissions: .doc, .pdf or .rtf files.
Visual Art Submissions: .jpg, .png, .pdf
Video Submissions: AVI, MPG, MP4
Guidelines by Genre
POETRY: Please submit not less than three and not more than five poems per submission.
FICTION: Please submit one short story or chapter at a time, or 1-5 flash fiction pieces.
CREATIVE NONFICTION: Please submit one piece or segment of a piece at a time.
DRAMA: Please submit one complete play, act, or segment thereof.
SCREENPLAY: Please submit one complete screenplay, act, or segment thereof.
GRAPHIC/VISUAL ART: If sending Images - Send at 72 DPI and no wider than 800 Width.
INTERVIEW: Submit a short treatment about the subject before submitting
REVIEWS: We will read all unsolicited reviews. However, if you would prefer to submit an inquiry first, we welcome that as well.
VIDEO: Please submit one at a time due to file size restrictions on attachments.
UNDERGRAD: For the undergrad section we are asking writing teachers around the world for their best and brightest new writers. Our hope is that the teacher will nominate the undergrad and work with the undergrad to compile a submission. For some new writers this will be their first submission process, and we gratefully welcome those writers.
When documentation is required for any submission, please use MLA style format.
Connotation Press holds first serial rights for material that we publish. The copyright automatically reverts to the author upon publication. We do not require that material be copyrighted prior to submission.