Monday, August 26, 2019

Photo Highlights from A Day for Writers, writing event, Sylva, NC, August 24, 2019

Carroll Taylor, co-chair for the event, and Jessica Philyaw, Library staff member
C. Hope Clark and her husband, Gary

Meagan Lucas and Benjamin Cutler (in background)

Catherine Carter, Jackson County Rep for NCWN-West

Pat Vestal, instructor for play writing class

NCWN Executive Director, Ed Southern

Karen Paul Holmes, instructor for poetry class

Mary Ricketson, Linda Jones, and Janice Moore

Karen Paul Holmes with Glenda Beall

Katie Winkler, instructor for play writing class

Former Poet Laureate of NC, Joseph Bathanti 
Carol Crawford of

C. Hope Clark opens the event

Bird's eye view of registration

Brent Martin with Jeannette Cabanis-Brewin and Susan Lefler

David Joy

Ed Southern, Glenda Beall, and Chris Wilcox  of City Lights Books

Volunteers Marcia Barnes, Hugh and Carroll Taylor, and Joan Howard

Brent Martin

Carroll Taylor

Charlie Wilkinson

Karen Paul Holmes

Louis Giron

Mary Ricketson

Panel members Karen Paul Holmes, Meagan Lucas, Joseph Bathanti, C. Hope Clark, and Glenda Beall

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Joan Gage, for this great photo essay of our Day for Writers. We appreciate your coming over and taking all these pictures.


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