Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Davis, Tom. I WONDER WHY. Webster, NC: Old Mountain Press, Inc., 2012. 93 pages, trade paperback. $15.00.

I WONDER WHY, published by Old Mountain Press, includes 72 international writers. Michael Ashley of West Yorkshire, England, and Rishan Singh, a poet residing in Durban, South Africa; contributed work to this anthology.

Publisher Tom Davis dedicated this anthology to those children who try our patience and make life so worth living.

The cover photo : Lewis “The Frogman” Dunn, the publisher’s (AKA PaPa Trouble) grandson looking out at the geese in the Tuckaseigee River in Dillsboro, NC wondering why they don’t get cold, captures the theme of I WONDER WHY. It impels the readers to open the anthology and savor the poetry and prose. Pollyanna Dunn took the photo and Tom Davis designed the cover.

Marian Kaplun Shapiro’s poem, “Bah,” kicks off the book. She has published a professional book, SECOND CHILDHOOD.

Because educators play an important role in the development of children, many teachers contributed work to this anthology.

Dr. Jim Clark’s poem, “Harvest Moon,” describes his parents working as the day fades: My father up there/with a pitchfork/golden/in attics of hay
My mother on the porch/her yarn flying through the needle’s door/into another world…

Dr. Shelby Stephenson recalls shooting at birds in his poem, “My Red Ryder,” and working in the tobacco field all summer.

Celia Miles contributed the story, “What’s a Witling?” She describes attending school in Dillsboro, NC during the mid-1940’s.

Polly Davis, ED.D., tells a humorous story about “Long Tall Sally,” and her coming of age in the seventh grade.

C. Pleasants York’s delightful poem, “The Storybook Shuffle,” marches across the page with literary characters. There’s Sherlock Holmes, Piglet, Tiger, Winnie the Pooh, and Peter Pan swooping on stage. Dr. Seuss and the Velveteen Rabbit enter with a hop and other storybook characters.

Other educators appearing in this anthology are Barbara Ledford Wright and Brenda Kay Ledford. Their humorous stories, “The Greatest Goof,” and “Cycle of Life,” describe teaching under difficult circumstances.

Another humorous story, “Boiled Okra and Me,” was written by Tom Davis. It’s a funny account of the new preacher and his wife eating with a family and how much the author hates okra.

Another outstanding poet, Jerry Bradley, contributed his poem, “First Day”:
Cradled in her mother’s arms/she awakens/to a serenade/sung just for her.

I will bring joy of nature/to her someday/as she has brought the joy/of life, to my heart.

Another heart-warming poem, “The Soldiers’ Son,” by Joseph J. Youngblood, tells about a child who salutes his dad as the soldier loads his gear for another deployment.

Charles F. “Hawk” Weyant also contributed an outstanding poem. “Keeping Secrets,” is about taking an oath to never tell another living soul a secret.

Vickie Collins’ poem, “The Gray Wool Coat,” describes a child who needed a new coat for winter. The poem will bring tears to your eyes.

Blanche L. Ledford also tells about the hardships of poverty in her poem, “Ogden School.”

But Terri Kirby Erickson captures the wonder of childhood in her poem, “Ants”:

…Fascinated/my eight-year old/self wondered/what it must/be like/to navigate/that narrow passage…

“A Duet for Old MacDonald,” by Sarah S. Edwards describes a three-year-old child playing the piano at a program: Piano bench pulled up as close as could be/Extra books helped her sit high/enough to see over the music rack…

Finally, an 8th grade student, Cooper Meyer, best summarizes childhood excitement in his poem, “The Last Day of School”:

…As I pull up to school, I know that it’s done/Kids are jumping with excitement/Everything is perfect/my body is light as a lemon seed/My bones feel like spaghetti noodles…The final bell rings.

I WONDER WHY is one of the best books published by Old Mountain Press. It’s a page turner.

For ordering information, contact:

Reviewed by: Brenda Kay Ledford


  1. Thanks, Brenda, and thanks,Netwest...for getting the word out. It's great that OMP exists to give writers chances for publication. So, thanks, Tom.


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