Thursday, January 5, 2012

Children's Literature Symposium, Chapel Hill

You are most cordially invited to join us in Chapel Hill on Friday, January 13, and/or Saturday, January 14 for a rousing gathering, "Between the Dark and the Daylight": A January Symposium Dedicated to the Creation of Children's Literature.

On Friday afternoon at the UNC-CH Wilson Library five faculty and curatorial staff members will present opportunities for us to see, hear, and learn about rare children's books (including textbooks controversies) from the Southern Historical, North Carolina, and Special Collections. Friday evening offers a special opportunity for "An Evening with Children's Book Authors
Stephen Messer and Allan Wolf" at Flyleaf Books, Chapel Hill's newer independent bookstore at
752 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.

On Saturday, the Symposium continues with 12:30 p.m. Registration and nine Experts and Authors on panels, followed by fellowship, booksignings, refreshments, and Writing Workshops. Presnters include Brian Sturm, Karin Michel, Susie Wilde, Sarah Carr, Stephen Messer,
Jane Baskerville Murphy, Jacqueline K. Ogburn, Barbara Younger, and Allan Wolf.

This Symposium is offered to the community without charge, presented through a generous grant from Province IV, Province of Sewanee, and sponsored by the Environmental
Stewardship Committee of Chapel of the Cross, Episcopal, 304 East Franklin Street, Chapel Hill.

For information about Block-rate hotel accommodations, parking and program specifics, please E-mail or telephone (919) 286-2565 or (919) 929-2193. You are most welcome to join us for this happy occasion.

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