Wednesday, March 9, 2011

NCWN-West to be Represented at Appalachian Studies Association Conference

-Rosemary Royston

Greetings! I'm pleased to say that the NCWN-West will have a presence at the Appalachian Studies Association Conference which is being held at Eastern Kentucky University (March 11-13, 2011). Your program director (myself) will be presenting a paper entitled, Echoes Across the Blue Ridge, Echoes of Emerson. My paper examines the poetry of the following included in our anthology: Glenda Barrett, Mary Ricketson, Eileen Lampe, and Brenda Kay Ledford. The works of these poets echo the Transcendentalist, Ralph Waldo Emerson -- especially in regard to his 1846 essay, "Nature." In short, these poets and Emerson see nature as not a separate entity, but as part of the self. Nature heals, nature informs, and nature is to be revered, not destroyed. If you would like to read my paper, shoot me an email at and I will send you a copy. I will be taking copies of the anthology with me.

In the meantime, happy writing!


  1. I just finished reading Rosemary's essay "Echoes Across the Blue Ridge, Echoes of Emerson. She discusses poems by four poets with a comparison to The Transcendentalists. I am beside myself with joy at reading her essay, and I'm proud that we shall have representation at East Kentucky University. Her paper will be presented at around 4:00 Friday.

    Also, she is taking arm loads of books to sell.


  2. Fantastic, Rosemary.
    I will ask for a copy of the essay by email tonight.
    Hope you sell bunches of Echoes and I know you will be impressive in your presentation.


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