Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Contest from Poetry Council of North Carolina

The annual Poetry Council of North Carolina contest is now open through May 31, 2011, for adult and student poets with a North Carolina connection. Rules for the 2011 competition are posted at http://www.poetrycouncilofnc.wordpress.com/.

Adult and student poets, as age appropriate, may enter the following categories: 1) Oscar Arnold Young Contest for a Book of Poetry;
2) Charles Shull Traditional Poetry;
3) James Larkin Pearson for Free Verse;
4) Ellen T. Johnson-Hale Light Verse;
5) Performance Poem to be judged during a live performance on Poetry Day, October 1st , at Catawba College;
6) Charlotte Young for Elementary School Students;
7) Carol Bessent Hayman for Middle School Students; and
8) Sam Ragan North Carolina Connection for High School Students; and Gladys Owings Hughes Family Heritage Contest for Free Verse. Questions about the contest and PCNC may be e-mailed to edcockrell@hotmail.com, or call Ed Cockrell, president of PCNC, at 919.967.5834.

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