Mark your calendar now for the 18th Annual NC Writers Network West Picnic on September 13, 2009. 2:00pm
The picnic will be held on Lake Chatuge at the Clay County Recreation Park, near Hayesville, N.C. Clay County members will host this picnic and will supply all of the plates, cups, and untinsils. Clay county writers will supply the ice and drinks.
Picnic coordinators: Vickie Ellis and Linda Smith. If you live in Clay County, ask how you can help.
1) Good Food to share - a covered dish or dessert
2) A lawn chair
3) A short sample of your writing to read in the open mic reading. (5 minute limit or less)
Our special guest reader this year will be author Ed Southern, the Executive Director of NCWN.
The afternoon will features an open mic reading where everyone is invited to share a short sample of their writing.
At the annual picnic this year, we will recognize our retiring Program Cordinator Glenda Beall for her years of service.
There is usually a table of Books By Members for sale. If you have a book, please contact the picnic coorinator.
The Annual Picnic is the one meeting per year when all of members and county representatives gather to share a meal and to talk all afternoon about writing. Some of our best ideas have been hatched at the annual picnic. For many of us, it is where we first met.
It is also our favorite time to invite all writers with in driving distance, whether they are a member or not, to come and join us. Inive all of your writing friends. It's a good time to invite your family too.
Oh! I hope to be there! I so enjoyed the picnic I attended last year....