Friday, June 6, 2008

A PC must be strong, in more ways than one.

The job description for Program Coordinator should not include heavy lifting. Today Carole and Norm Thompson, my husband Barry(on right) and I set up the venue for our workshop tomorrow. By that, I mean we dragged and lifted heavy eight foot tables and unloaded chairs from a trailer. I won't say how old we four are, but I can tell you that an hour of this work wore us out.
I made the decision tonight that if this job requires that kind of physical labor in the future, I will definitely have to resign! I also made the decision not to depend on my caring helpful husband to always be there for Netwest. Some have declared him an honorary member of NCWN West. Barry, who is a good photographer, takes many photos of our members and at our events. He has gone far beyond his duties as a supportive husband to make sure my Netwest obligations are met. I can't thank him enough.
So, I will be calling on more of our members for help in the future. Hopefully some strong members who can lift and drag.
Thanks so much to Carole and Norm for all their help with Writers Talking All Day About Writing. Carole, our newest Netwest Rep got her feet wet in a hurry. We look forward to a delightful day in Blairsville tomorrow.

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