Friday, June 18, 2021

Big News from NCWN-West member, Bob Brooks

 Dear Writers:

With glee, I share the press release announcing the publication (actually the ebook only at the moment) of my espionage novel Clean Copy.  Many of you have participated in the honing of this work, a first novel I began over twenty years ago.  Some may recall that the bad guys were originally from Japan.  Time marches on.

Press Release Clean Copy

Local Author Releases Fourth Novel

Pisgah Forest, NC resident Bob Brooks has released his fourth novel Clean Copy on 15 June 2021.  Published by Next Chapter Publishing, London, U.K. as a digital book to be followed by print and audible versions, Clean Copy is a fiction work spanning several genres, including thriller, espionage, and science fiction. 

“This is a tale for the reader who likes action and adventure,” said Brooks.  “In my short promotion pitch for Clean Copy, I capture this notion: The science of brain-recording and modification sparks international espionage, kidnapping, and murder.  And salvation by a robot.

Clean Copy is highly topical, dealing with the theft of technology by China, a topic in the daily news.  In this fictional treatment, the technology leads to modification of human behavior, an achievement that could A picture containing person, sky, person, outdoor

Description automatically generatedtransform society and transform military capabilities. 

 “The challenge was to capture this cerebral threat in a personal tale of interest to my readers,” Brooks said.  “I made this a story of Peter Valois, who leads a comfortable life as a scientist on a hot project recording brains in a San Diego company.  Staying on the straight and narrow has given him a comfortable life until his druggie teenage son forces risk-taking.  Especially when a ruthless but alluring spy Antoinette Marino uses the son for blackmail.”

Brooks has been writing since college and seriously in retirement.  His short stories in the science fiction, fantasy, and mystery categories have appeared in printed and ezine formats, including Bewildering Stories, Aurora Wolf, Quantum Muse, and The Great Smokies Review. 

Leo Publishing published his first novel, a fantasy entitled Justi the Gifted, in 2015, and this was followed in 2017 by The Clown Forest Murders (Black Opal Books), a mystery co-authored with A.C. Brooks.  

The third novel The Gifted Spawn (Escarpment Press) appeared in 2021.  He is a member of The Appalachian Roundtable, The Blueridge Writers Group, and NC Writers Network.  He is a judge for the Eric M. Hoffer Awards for small and independent published books and served as judge for Brevard Little Theater’s play competition.  His website is

Brooks’ novels are available in paperback and electronic versions from booksellers.  Paperbacks can be ordered from your local bookstore.


Take a look:

Digital book Amazon Clean Copy