Saturday, January 26, 2019

Request for NCWN-West members to read at Coffee with the Poets and Writers meetings, for 2019, Hayesville, NC

Glenda Beall is setting up the schedule for featured members of NCWN-West to read at Coffee with the Poets and Writers for 2019. The event will begin in March and go through November with featured readers. Some months we will have two readers and some months we will have one. The meetings are at the Moss Memorial Library in Hayesville, NC on the third Wednesday of the month at 10:30 AM.

Joan Howard is the facilitator and Carroll Taylor will doing publicity. There will be an article placed in the local newspapers.  If you are not from Clay, Cherokee, Towns, and Union, publicity will try to get an article in your local newspaper if you get them the contact information. If you have a book to promote, that is great. Bring copies to sell and sign. The event usually has visitors from the community who are not already members, some who just want to hear the reading.

CWPW has Brenda Kay Ledford reading for April Joan Howard for June, and tentatively, Charlie Pearson for March. Some other months are open; please check with Glenda Beall at for the current schedule. If two readers want to read on the same day, let Beall know. The event has a good attendance and everyone enjoys the Open Mic.


Thursday, January 24, 2019

Dates and Readers for 2019, for The Literary Hour, John C. Campbell Folk School, Brasstown, NC

Here are the readers and dates for the updated 2019 Literary Hour readings, at the John C. Campbell Folk School, Brasstown, NC. You will notice that most months will have 3 readers, our best attempt to accommodate everyone who asked to read, so we have two months that can add another reader. We will start promptly at 7:00 PM, finishing by 8:00 or 8:15 PM.

Please contact Mary Ricketson for issues regarding this event at:

Wed, 3-20-19         Joan Howard

                                    Natalie Grant

                                    Mary Ricketson

Wed, 4-17-19          Bob Grove

                                    Carroll Taylor

                                    Joan Gage

Wed, 5-15-19          Carol Lynn Jones

                                    Kanute Rarey

                                    Rosemary Royston

Wed, 6-12-19          Brenda Kay Ledford

                                    Richard Cary

                                    Maren Mitchell

Thurs, 8-22-19       Karen Paul Holmes

                                    Carol Crawford

                                    Kenneth Chamlee

Thurs, 9-19-19       Martha O. Adams

                                    Loren Leith

                                    Glenda Barrett

Thurs, 10-17-19     Mary Mike Keller

                                    Glenda Beall

Thurs, 11-21-19      Janice Moore

                                    Linda Jones