Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Readings from the new anthology, "It's All Relative: Tales from the Tree," at Malaprop's Bookstore/Cafe, Asheville, NC, February 28, 2016, 3:00 PM.

On Sunday, February 28, 2016, at 3:00 PM, there will be a reading at Malaprop's Bookstore/Cafe, 55 Haywood St, Asheville, NC. Local authors, contributors and co-editors Nancy Dillingham and Celia Miles will present their new anthology, It's All Relative: Tales from the Tree. This collection offers 50 stories and poems by Western North Carolina women authors, on the broad theme of family.

Rob Neufeld reviewed the book in the Asheville Citizen-Times and wrote that "there's a shadowy, down-to-earth and at times magical quality to the telling that makes the collection striking and significant."

Links to this post:

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Open Mic and CWP in Sylva, NC February 18, 19th

Upcoming Events at City Lights Bookstore in Sylva, NC

Coffee with the Poet Featuring Catherine Carter

02/18/2016 - 10:30AM
The Coffee with the Poet series continues on Thursday, February 18th at 10:30 a.m. at City Lights Bookstore. The February gathering will feature poet and professor, Catherine Carter. She is the author of Growing Gills, Swamp Monster and the chapbook Marks of the Witch. She is the Jackson County Rep for NCWN West.

Catherine directs the English Education program at Western Carolina University. She also teaches education, writing, and literature courses, and publishes and researches in poetry, American literature, and English Education....

NetWest Open Mic

02/19/2016 - 7:00PM
The NetWest program of the North Carolina Writers Network and City Lights Bookstore will host an open mic night at the bookstore on Friday, February 19th at 7 p.m. Folks are encouraged to bring their poetry or short pieces to share. The North Carolina Writers' Network connects, promotes, and serves the writers of this state. They provide education in the craft and business of writing, opportunities for recognition and critique of literary work, resources for writers at all stages of...

Ann Miller Woodford Presentation

02/20/2016 - 3:00PM
Ann Miller Woodford will present her book, When All God’s Children Get Together on Saturday, February 20th at 3 p.m. at City Lights Bookstore. Her book celebrates the lives and music of African American people in far western North Carolina. Ann Miller Woodford grew up in Andrews, NC during segregation. She is the founder One Dozen Who Care Inc., a nonprofit that works to create leadership capacity and build community unity in far western North Carolina. ODWC partnered with Ann to...

See more events >>

Monday, February 15, 2016

Glenda Council Beall's poem, "The Ice House Job," published in the anthology LITERATURE TODAY; 2nd poem accepted by MAIN STREET RAG for later publication date.

Glenda Council Beall’s poem, The Ice House Job, was recently published in the anthology, LITERATURE TODAY (Vol. 4); the theme of this issue is Love. The book is edited by Dr. Deepak Chaswal and Dr. Pradeep Chaswal. The book can be purchased on Amazon and on Kindle.

Beall's poem, Shot into the Future, Clutching the Past, was accepted by "Main Street Rag" for publication at a later date.

Glenda Beall has been publishing her poetry for twenty years in journals, magazines, E-zines and in anthologies. She teaches Creative Writing at Tri-County Community College in Murphy, NC, and administers two blogs: Writing Life Stories and Writers Circle around the Table. She is the owner/director of a writing studio where top instructors come each year and teach.

Beall is former Program Coordinator for North Carolina Writers' Network-West (NCWN-West), and is presently Clay County Representative for the program.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Old Mountain Press (OMP) is accepting submissions for, "Wish You Were Here: A Poetry and Prose Anthology", Deadline for submissions March 6, 2016

Old Mountain Press will publish a collection of poetry by a number of poets. Their goal is to gather enough quality poems and flash fiction for an estimated 50 to 90 page book with the theme being anything travel related to places you have been or would like to go: the place, the people, the food, etc.

OMP are accepting submissions February 6th to March 6, 2016.
Here are the guidelines and the link to an online submission form:
  • Author must have rights to the poem (previously published OK, but not in an OMP anthology).
  • Poem may not exceed 36 lines (including title, author's name and blank lines). Poetry lines that exceed 55 letters and spaces will wrap and count as two lines.
  • Flash fiction may not exceed 325 words (bottom line is that it must fit on a 8.5"x5.5" page).
  • Only one poem/flash fiction per writer, so give it your best shot:-)
  • Submissions accepted from a former contributor or someone recommended by a former contributor


Friday, February 5, 2016

Dr. Steven Harvey, author of The Book of Knowledge and Wonder, talks about writing the story of his mother's suicide.

Steven Harvey is the author of three books of personal essays. A Geometry of Lilies, Lost in Translation, and Bound for Shady Grove. He has also edited an anthology of essays written by men on middle age called In a Dark Wood. His memoir The Book of Knowledge and Wonder, which has him exploring his mother's suicide when he was eleven, was recently published by Ovenbird Books. I appreciate him giving his time to answer a few questions for this interview. 

GCB: Steve, I’ve known you for more than twenty years and always admired your writing and your teaching. You were a poet and you are an essayist. How was writing a memoir different from writing your other books?

STEVE: All of my writing has a personal component, but the memoir required a different kind of digging. Armed with only a few vivid memories of my childhood, I was asking myself to reconstruct a past. I did have more than four hundred letters that covered all but the last year of the book, but they served primarily as a mnemonic evoking images, thoughts, memories, and events that I had not thought about in years.

Read more:  here