Saturday, November 7, 2015

Martha O. Adams to have a poem appear with a review of her book, Buried Seed, in the Dec. 2015 issue of WNC Woman Magazine

Martha O. Adams will have a poem that will appear along with a review of her book, Buried Seed, in the Dec. issue of WNC Woman magazine. Here is one of her poems from Buried Seed:


In flame and marrow
Deaf ears can’t protect
Survive a while woven into linen
Linger in a last goodbye unsaid
Hover over pain stifled lips of the dead
Like cold dread hidden
In a curled leaf
Traces remain
Glued to a slap, a strap
A haunt, a swoon; that scent
A name
Fitful ghosts
Under the tongue.

Polly and Tom Davis to read from their memoirs at Blue Ridge Books in Waynesville, NC, On Sunday, Nov. 15, 2015, at 3:00 PM

Polly and Tom Davis will read a He Said She Said from their memoirs at Blue Ridge Books in Waynesville, NC on Sunday, November 15, 2015, at 3:00 PM. Polly’s memoir is a companion book to Tom's memoir and covers the same time frame, so now you can hear what happened back on the home front while he traipsed the world having the most fun he ever had with my clothes on. According to Polly, it wasn’t a picnic.  

Read about both memoirs at:

View Old Mountain Press eBooks for Kindle and NOOK at

Available to Order: Tom Davis' Memoir, The Most Fun I Ever Had With My Clothes On: A March from Private to Colonel.

Polly Davis did something she thought she never would do. Marry a soldier. A Green Beret even. Polly started out as a military wife with a BS Degree from the University of Georgia and over the next thirty years raised two children, numerous dogs and cats, attained a Masters and a Doctorate. All while tramping the world with her soldier husband. Often alone in strange and uncertain circumstances, she not only rose to the occasion, she excelled in everything she ever did. She has taught at every level from pre-school to college, served as the head of the English Department and Director of Research and Planning for Fayetteville Technical Community College, and served in numerous leadership positions within the various communities in which she has lived.

Tom Davis is a writer and the publisher of Old Mountain Press, a company that assists authors in self-publishing their work. He holds a bachelor of arts degree from the University of Georgia and a master’s degree from the University of Southern California. Tom entered the Army as a private and retired a full colonel. His short stories, articles, and poetry have been published in Poets Forum, Winston-Salem Writers’ POETRY IN PLAIN SIGHT program for May 2013 (poetry month), The Carolina Runner, Triathlon Today, ByLine, Georgia Athlete, The Saturday Extra (magazine section of the Fayetteville Observer), A Loving Voice Vol. I and II (anthologies of read aloud stories), and Special Warfare (a professional military journal published by the Special Warfare Center). Many of his short stories have received honors in writing contests sponsored by ByLine Magazine. Tom has written and published the following books: What Would You Like on Your Mashed Potatoes, The Long and the Short, The Life and Times of Rip Jackson, The R-complex, The Patrol Order, and a children’s coloring book entitled Pickaberry Pig illustrated by artist Becky Lee.

Staci Lynn Bell to read at Coffee with the Poets and Writers, Wednesday, November 18, 2015, at 10:00 AM, at the Moss Memorial Library in Hayesville, NC

Coffee with the Poets and Writers, note new time and date, will meet Wednesday, November 18, 10:00 a.m. at the Moss Memorial Library in Hayesville, NC. This group meeting since 2007 is part of the North Carolina Writers’ Network West which supports the literary community in western North Carolina and bordering counties, Towns, Union, Fannin and Rabun in Georgia.

Staci Lynn Bell of Clay County, published poet and essayist, is featured this month. Bell, a Chicago native, has lived in Western North Carolina for the past 5 years. Having moved many times as a child, her best friends were her imagination, books and animals. Staci attended University of Wisconsin, Madison majoring in Communications. She relocated to SW Florida, gaining notoriety as a 25 year radio and television personality and animal advocate. She has been published in Wild Goose Poetry Review, 234 Journal and has both a poem and short story in the forthcoming second annual “Wolf Warriors: The National Wolfwatcher Coalition Anthology.” Staci is a member of North Carolina Writer's Network West (NCWN-West).

All writers are invited to bring a couple of poems or a short story or personal essay, no more than 1200 words, to share at Open Mic. The poets and writers invite the community to attend and enjoy the readings. There is no charge. Social time after the meeting is often continued by going to lunch at a nearby restaurant. Visitors are welcome.

NCWN-West, a program of the North Carolina Writers’ Network is a non-profit organization and appreciates the hospitality of the Moss Library staff. For more information, contact Glenda Beall, 828-389-4441 or .

Glenda Beall
Clay County Representative for NCWN-West

Monday, November 2, 2015

Brenda Kay Ledford Receives 2015 Paul Green Multimedia Award

Brenda Kay Ledford received the 2015 Paul Green Multimedia Award from North Carolina Society of Historians for her poetry book, CREPE ROSES.

This poetry book was published by Aldrich Press last year.  It is available at the John C. Campbell Folk School Craft Shop and

For more information:

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Bill Ramsey's new book, What Do You Think?, now available!

Bill Ramsey’s new book, What Do YOU Think? is available today from Amazon in paperback, and on Kindle e-books. Be sure and click on the “LOOK INSIDE” tab just above the cover to read the table of contents and several sample essays.

This is Ramsey’s second book of concise and original essays. The first was his 2013 collection: Now That I Think About It.

In his career, Bill Ramsey wrote technical manuals, magazine articles and business newsletters. Now retired, he enjoys writing about "life and the way real people choose to live it."

Bill is on the board of directors of the North Carolina Writers Network and the Blue Ridge Community College. He is a founder of the Blue Ridge Bookfest, celebrating its 8th year in April, 2016.

You can find Bill's books, and his blog at:

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Gary Carden will speak at Mountain Writers in Haywood County, Waynesville, November 10

Merry Elrick, Haywood County Representative for NCWN-West invites all who live in the area to attend the meeting of Mountain Writers on November 10 at 1:00 p.m. at Blue Ridge Books, 152 S Main Street in Waynesville, NC.

Gary Carden, storyteller and playwright
Gary Carden, legendary storyteller in our region and an award-winning playwright is the special guest. Among the many other awards he has received is the 2006 Brown-Hudson Award from the North Carolina Folklore Society and the 2012 North Carolina Award for Literature. Carden has an honorary doctorate from Western Carolina University for his work in storytelling and folklore.
The public is invited to enjoy this great speaker and meet other local writers. 

Learn more about Gary Carden on his blog:

Monday, October 26, 2015

Exerpt from Coffee with the Poets and Writers, Hayesville, NC on 10/21/2015 with Joan Howard reading

This past Wednesday, Joan Howard read at Coffee with the Poets and Writers, at Moss Memorial Library in Hayesville, NC.  Here is an excerpt from her reading.


Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Poetry class with Karen Paul Holmes on November 7, 2015, 1:00 - 4:00 PM, Hayesville, North Carolina

Karen Paul Holmes, the author of Untying the Knot, and many other published poems in literary journals, will teach a writing class on November 7, 2015, 1:00 - 4:00 PM, at Writers Circle, in Hayesville, NC. The class is called: Borrowing from Your Favorite Poet.

Attendants should bring a poem inspired by a favorite poem. using a line from the favorite poem as your title, an epigraph, or a line within your poem.

Your poem will be allowed to take on its own life -- it does not need to be about the same subject as the original. You’ll also receive some prompts inspired by other great poets, so you can go home and write even more great poems of your own.

Don’t miss the opportunity to study with this award-winning poet and teacher. For more information, contact Glenda Council Beall, at: