Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Three Autumn Poems by Deanna Kingel

Piedmont Autumn

A scent in the air
Freely wafting
No longer smothered under a blanket of humidity and labor’s sweat.
It’s still hot.

Long days of summer’s white hot light
Shift to shorter days of dawn and dusk

The scent haunts.
Rolls of hay
Bales of straw
Stubbled fields of corn
Pumpkins simmer in the field
The lonely watermelon begs for more time, clings, tenacious, to its withered umbilical vine, tethered forever to the season.

Needles once supple and green, drop like rain into rusty heaps
Dry and brittle under the tall pines that give life to the Piedmont.
Leaves, months ago buds of youthful anticipation
Sway, wrinkled and dry, a final tango with summer
Until a traitorous wind out of the North cuts in.

Box turtles burrow deep beneath the privet.
Monarchs and migrants all gone.
The Piedmont is quiet.
To be stirred by the cold hand of winter.

Ninety Minutes, Nine Days

Ninety minutes ago I left my home
Winding and curving my descent to I-40 Eastbound where I’ll spend much of the day
Tires on the pavement, already monotonous
Passing Asheville I glimpse a parting view of our mountains
Deep purple silhouette
From every ridge white wisps of sprite-like cloud reach upward
Absorbed into the new day

Rain clouds torn apart reveal ragged patches of blue
Like a lacy shawl over the chilly shoulders of the Blue Ridge.
I feel the magnetic tug.
This vision will be mine nine hours from now when I unpack my car
The magnetic pull will nudge every day I am away.

Nine days from now in late afternoon
I will pass this place again on I-40 Westbound
Passing Asheville my first glimpse of our mountains
I’ll know that in my absence fall arrived in full
The silhouette painted crimson red
Hickory and Poplar pin gold brooches to the breast of our mountain.

She is stunning.
The magnet pulls from the core of the mountain to the inner core of me
Tires on the pavement hum
Near breathless with anticipation
Winding, curving my ascent begins
Back up to the plateau I call home
Hidden deep in the Blue Ridge

Morning Mist in the Gap

I pass Cumberland Gap early in the day
I hear the haints say s-stay s-stay
I see them rise into the air
Thin wisps of fingers
Come, come if you dare

I see Dan’l Boone hiking the ridge
Whistling a tune
Leading pioneers
Unaware of doom

Women, children, adventurous men
Haints in white gauzy attire
Walking, creeping, crawling, falling
Down into the ridge as they tire

Cherokee haints pass slow in grief
Translucent hands raised
In disbelief
Kneeling, praying, dying, along the clouded ridge
Knowing not what’s across that bridge.

The sun rises warm and releases the haints
To stillness and silence from their secret place
To return in the night and hide in dark
Until daybreak when they wander again

Deanna K. Klingel, Author

Change of time for November Coffee with the Poets and Writers, Hayesville, NC, we will now meet at 10:00 AM, the third Wed.of the month, at Moss Memorial Library, Hayesville, NC

Please note that Coffee with the Poets and Writers (CWPW) has a change of time, starting in November, at the Moss Memorial Library venue, 26 Anderson Street, Hayesville, NC, 28904.  We will meet on Wednesday, November 18th at 10:00 AM, so as not to conflict with another writing group.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Old Mountain Press accepting submissions for anthology

Old Mountain Press (OMP) is accepting submissions for They Stood Alone from

Each contributor whose work will appear in this anthology can recommend ONE person to submit to this anthology. Someone whose work you would like to see included with yours–maybe right beside yours:-).

See here you will also find guidelines and the link to an online submission form.

View camera ready copy of all submissions accepted so far at

NOTE: As always this anthology may fill up before the close out date so don’t procrastinate.

They Stood Alone’s  THEME: Nature

OMP willl accept submissions until 12:00 15 November OR when I have at least 90 to 100 pages (includes table of content and authors’ bios 75 words or preferably less please) of quality poems and short shorts WHICHEVER COMES FIRST. 

If you wish to be considered for inclusion in this anthology, do not procrastinate. Get your work in now! Since this is a very wide topic, I expect the anthology to fill up well before the close out date.

There is no reading fee, no entry fee, and no requirement for a contributor to purchase this anthology. As always, contributors will be able to purchase copies at a reduced rate.

Old Mountain Press is owned by Tom Davis, a member of NCWN-West, and a supporter of WNC writers. 

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Reminder: Coffee with the Poets and Writers to meet at 10:30 AM, Wed., October 21, 2015, at Moss Memorial Library, Hayesville, NC

Please remember that Coffee with the Poets and Writers (CWPW) has a change of venue to Moss Memorial Library, 26 Anderson Street, Hayesville, NC, 28904.  We also have a changed CWPW) from the second Wednesday of each month to the third Wednesday.

Joan Howard, well-published poet, is our featured NCWN West member this month.

Don't forget Open Mic after Joan's reading. Bring a  couple of poems or short, 1500 word, prose piece.

Tell your friends about CWPW and join us next week at the library in Hayesville, NC.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Fellow members, please send us one of your poems or short pieces that speak to you of Autumn!

Photo by Joan Ellen Gage
Fellow members, let's have some fun and share one of your poems or short pieces that speak to us of this glorious season!

Meanwhile, here is a link to the Poetry Foundation with a selection of poems for Autumn. Enjoy!

Poem from fellow NCWN-West poet, Kathleen A. Stilwell

Here is a poem from fellow NCWN-West poet, Kathleen A. Stilwell.

Streams of Silence

A river of words flows silently
Submerged in a cavern of questions
Resting like bone fragments
On the sand beneath the flow
How did I get older than the president?
A decade evaporated
Like sea foam in the valleys
Hanging in the air like memories.

No longer ripe with potential
Now only ripe with hope
For a long enough life
To be useful
Create memories
Preserve memories
Capture sunlight
Save the monarch
Feel the waves and particles.

Silent river, whispered phrases.
Scratching across the pages
Fragments and glimpses
Uprooted plans,
ambitions discarded
Aborted missions,
connections unplugged.

Now it seems I'm listening,
simply listening
For the song of the forest,
the chorus from the woods.

This is part of a recent project entitled Affair with a Forest--Streams of Silence in honor of trees. A Print copy is available here

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Photographs and Poetry - a post from the past

This is a post from the past by William Everett. He is author of Red Clay, Blood River (2008) and TURNINGS: Poems of Transformation

He blogs at

Click  here and read the work on this blog by this outstanding poet who lives here in the WNC mountains. 

Reading in Murphy October 24




Award-winning publisher of the Cherokee Scout

Author of Remember Who You Are
An inspirational and instructional look at writing

Finalist of Georgia Author of the Year

Open mike readings will follow as time permits

Sponsored by Ridgeline Literary Alliance

Sunday, October 4, 2015

The Rain, a Poem by Martha O. Adams

  This Rain

This rain
Warmed before bonfires of stars
Rides on night’s black tides
Ghostly, flows slowly into day

Cycles in circles through time
Singing of morning’s shine
And the night’s cold shoulder

Old gray gown
Tailored for sleep
And the dreams of seeds


Tuesday, September 29, 2015

NCWN-West--What I see in the future, by Glenda Council Beall

NCWN-West – What I see in the future
What a remarkable organization Marsha Warren built in western NC in the early 90s. Eight counties with representatives in each one, counties in bordering states where writers needed a community, and one person to head the group.
That was twenty years ago, and many of those early writing groups are still active here in Clay and Cherokee counties. Because of the program Warren created, beginning writers went on to publish poetry books, novels and memoirs. 
But we are in the twenty-first century and changes have taken place in society, even here in the Appalachian Mountains. The under-fifty folks research online, take courses online, seek all kinds of information from where to publish to how to publish. They find hundreds of sources for their questions. But there are no guarantees that what they read online is fact or correct. Recently I read an article on how to prepare a manuscript. Comments following this article disagreed with half of what the article said. “Today it is done this way…” “That is the old way. Nobody does that now.”
What are we to believe? Confusion reigns with all the various opinions on the Internet. Without experienced writers and poets to share accurate information, new writers can spend hours making mistakes with their submissions and all things concerning getting their work out to the public, the major goal of most of us. I am asked many times over and over, how do I prepare a manuscript, can you help me with a cover letter, what is a query letter and what should I say. Or I am asked, where can I take a class for beginning writers, is there a class around here for someone who has retired and is finally ready to begin writing which I always wanted to do?
NCWN-West has the experienced published writers throughout the region. We have qualified instructors for all genres. But how to get the word out is the question now. Few want to travel many miles to attend an all day workshop, it seems, although the opportunity to discuss writing, questions and answers, should be a priority. We learn so much from each other when we get together. But we must beware online groups where some of the people who give advice are not accurate. I have seen incorrect writing advice given online to unsuspecting newbies.
The future of NCWN-West, I believe, is bringing in men and women who have computer expertise. People who know how to set up meetings on Skype so writers all over the region can participate in discussion of the best ways to provide local writers with what they need here in the mountains.
We have a Facebook page for NCWN West that has been dormant for several years until this week.  We have well-qualified writers who want to teach online classes for NCWN-West members. But who will make that happen? We need members who understand the Internet and can help us get those classes online. These are our future leaders. In ten years there will be new opportunities and we must be ready to jump in.
Those of us who worked for many years as part of NCWN-West are ready to turn it over to perhaps younger, but definitely energized people who move us forward to the next level. Who will do that?
Help us find those who are willing and able to carry on our mission, but take us up a step.

Glenda Beall

Monday, September 28, 2015

Steven Harvey, Beloved Teacher & Writer at Writers' Night, Blairsville, GA

Don't Miss this Special Guest

Friday, October 9

Dr. Steven Harvey
Writers’ Night Out features retired Young Harris College professor, Steven Harvey, PhD, on Friday night, October 9. An open microphone will follow for those who’d like to read their own poetry or prose. The event takes place at the Union County Community Center in Blairsville and is free and open to the public. Food and drinks are available for purchase. The program begins at 7 p.m., but attendees should arrive by 6 p.m. if they plan to eat.
Harvey’s most recent book is The Book of Knowledge and Wonder, a memoir about coming to terms with the suicide of his mother. It was published by Ovenbird Books as part of the “Judith Kitchen Select” series.  A section of the memoir appeared in The Best American Essays 2013.  He is also the author of three books of personal essays, A Geometry of Lilies, Lost in Translation, and Bound for Shady Grove and edited an anthology of essays written by men on middle age called In a Dark Wood.  Harvey is a professor emeritus of English and creative writing at Young Harris College, a member of the nonfiction faculty in the Ashland University MFA program in creative writing, a senior editor for River Teeth magazine, and the creator of The Humble Essayist, a website designed to promote literary nonfiction.  He lives in the north Georgia mountains.  You can learn more about Steven and his work at his web site: .
Writers’ Night Out is sponsored by North Carolina Writers’ Network-West and takes place on the second Friday of the month, April through November. Prose writers or poets wishing to participate in the open mic can sign up at the door to read for three minutes. In its fifth year, the event draws audience members from four counties. The Union County Community Center is located at Butternut Creek Golf Course, 129 Union County Recreation Rd., Blairsville, Georgia 30512, off Highway 129 near the intersection of US 76, phone (706) 439-6092.  For more information, please contact Karen Holmes at (404) 316-8466 or

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Eighth Annual Blue Ridge Bookfest

Save the Date for the 8th Annual Blue Ridge Bookfest!


Mark your calendars for Friday, April 22 & Saturday, April 23, 2016

Don't Miss Out!

Join our Newsletter List and receive monthly updates from 
Western North Carolina literary circles.
How to Apply to Participate as an Exhibitor, Speaker or Workshop Author
Applications for the 2016 Blue Ridge are open. 

We had over 100 applications for 40 author spots in 2015.

Be sure to get your application in early. 
Click HERE for application guidelines and
click HERE to open the online application form.