Friday, August 12, 2011


Few poems speak to our love of place and the way it can enrich and enlarge our spirits as well as Mary Ricketson's Lost in the Roar of Big Santeetlah.   When we fall in love with a place, as Mary  reveals in this poem, we want to carry that love with us, giving it away generously to the world at large.  This is how we will save our places from degradation, this is the legacy we will leave to our children.  

Mary's poem recently won the poetry contest sponsored by the Joyce Kilmer Memorial Forest, itself a legacy of what remains of the old growth forests that once flourished in our mountains.  Only a few stands remain now.  Big Santeetlah Creek runs through this beloved landscape.  Mary's poem is a fine and appropriate way to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Kilmer Memorial Forest.  

Mary lives in Murphy and has been an active member of the Writers Network West for years.  She published a chapbook, I Hear the River Call My Name, with Finishing Line Press in 2008, which I featured on my North Carolina Laureate's Writers & Books site.  You will find out more about Mary there.

Lost in the Roar of Big Santeetlah

I cross a wooden bridge.
A stand of dark red trillium
waits for my attention.
White violets and crested dwarf iris
sit quietly at trail’s edge.  Birdsong begins.
Butterflies dance. Jack in the Pulpit presides.
River birch, pine and poplar stand tall.
Rippling water stills my thoughts.
I can taste the wind.

Soon pink lady slipper will bloom,
then purple rhododendron.
I know every season at this forest.

I fell in love here long ago,
found comfort on this path,
met parts of me I did not know,
told secrets never spoken.
Trees made promises
then asked for mine.
I fill myself with peace and hope when I am here
then give it all away when I am gone.


Thursday, August 11, 2011


I will be interviewing (and featuring work by)  some of our mountain writers over the next several months. Drop by, when you have a hankering for some company.

Late bloomers struggling for a last glimpse of sun, my zinnias make do with not quite enough sunlight and not quite enough space at the edge of the garden.  Our lush spring greens --mustard, lettuce, collards, chard--are long gone, and I haven't yet seeded my  fall garden.  This time of year leaves me looking at bare garden soil and tomato plants that have once again disappointed us.  But the cucumbers are coming on strong.  Pickles!  Oh yes.....

Hearts a'Busting open their seedfire, their audacity giving me hope for busting out of my own late summer lethargy.

A lone butterfly clinging to ironweed makes an apt metaphor when I feel time, and summer, slipping away.  Hang on, golden wings!  Soon you will turn into golden leaf hanging onto the branches atop our ridge, then lingering awhile in flight before settling like golden and russet wings to the leafmeal below.

Time's arch, a swish of leaves presaging fall, makes me stop to catch one nano-second of late summer light with a shutter click.

Ironweed, I love you more than Joe Pye Weed, though both of you stand tall against the coming  autumnal transformations, determined to come back again when the timing's right, late bloomers
who never give up, sturdy homesteaders staking your claim to the places you've sunk your  roots into,
your stubborn roots.  May my roots hold fast, as stubborn as yours.   

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Submissions - Send it out

Main Street Rag has updated its submission guidelines for poetry, short fiction, creative nonfiction and reviews. Please review these changes before submitting your work, especially fiction.

Main Street Rag has announced three themes for next year’s anthologies –
1) The List
2) Just Tattoos
3) Secrets.
Click here for more information and updates on submission.

MoonShine Review accepts prose and photography submissions year round but only read after the Spring (deadline March 1) and Fall (deadline September 1) deadlines., click
(from WordPlay Newsletter by Maureen Ryan Griffin)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Netwest Member, Michelle Keller, will teach genealogy/writing class

Netwest member, Michelle Keller, writer, poet, painter and genealogist, will once again teach a class at Writers Circle  in Hayesville, NC. Mary Mike, as she is best known to us, served as publicity chair for Netwest for several years. She co-hosted Coffee with the Poets and supports NCWN West in many ways.

Her genealogy/writing class was filled to capacity last year and is expected to fill up quickly again.

Writing Your Ancestors' Stories

Michelle Keller, a seasoned genealogist and published writer, will teach a class on finding your ancestors and how to write their stories.
Bones to Flesh, 
Genealogy and Writing Class
Wednesdays, August 31, September 7, and September 14.
10:00 AM - 1:30 PM. - Writers Circle, Hayesville, NC (home studio of Glenda Beall)
$40.00 for all three classes plus free handouts.
Register: Send check made to Writers Circle, 581 Chatuge Ln, Hayesville, NC 28904

Click Here for more information  -

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Kudos to Glenda Beall

Check out this blog, where our own poet, Glenda Beall, has had her poem "Woman in the Mirror" linked to a myraid of gorgeous paintings which flesh out the poem in a visual way. Congrats, Glenda!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Conference on Writing and Publishing

November 10-11, 2011
Dahlonega, Georgia

Publishers have projected that 2011 will be the year when the volume of digital publishing will become greater than that of print publishing. Further, it has been predicted that more money will be made in 2011 in digital publishing than in print publishing. The New Directions conference will explore issues arising from this significant transition.

The New Directions Conference will be held in conjunction with the Dahlonega Literary Festival in historical Dahlonega, with venues on the campus of North Georgia College & State University and on the Dahlonega picturesque square. For more information, go here.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

NC Writers Network West Writers Sell Their Books at Sidewalk Cafe

Author/ Members of North Carolina Writers Network West celebrated writing and sold copies of their books at a sidewalk cafe in Hayesville, NC on July 9th, 2011. It was the big day for the annual festival on the square but writers, not even professional, published authors, are allowed to participate in this  N.C. Arts Council annual event. Wanting to be a part of the sesquicentennial celebration of Clay County, a few writers set up their own booth in front of Cafe Touche in town, the same shop that welcomes them there for a monthly reading of poems with open mic, Coffee With the Poets.

( photo)Author and publisher Robert S. King and poet Janice Townley Moore author of Teaching the Robins and Like a Summer Peach.

(Photo) Poet Nancy Simpson with her book LIVING ABOVE THE FROST LINE, SELECTED AND NEW POEMS  (Carolina Wren Press 2010)   and  Poet Publisher Robert S, King  author of
The Hunted River and  The Grave Digger's Roots.  

by Robert S. King -  Order copies at:

Click here to buy poetry books by Mary Ricketson and by Glenda Beall

Echoes Across the Blue Ridge
Stories, Poems and Essays by Writers Living in and Inspired by the Southern Appalachian Mountains.
Edited by Nancy Simpson with an Introduction by Robert Morgan
Get your copy: Click below.

Opportunity to Study with Janisse Ray

Jill Gottesman,the Southern Appalachian Outreach Coordinator, has asked that our Network-West know about a unique workshop that The Wilderness Society is hosting in fall 2011. The Society is assembling a small (18 or so) group of writers to work with author Janisse Ray at The Mountain Retreat and Learning Center in Highlands, NC, a spectacular setting in the Southern Appalachians. This would be a wonderful opportunity for writers everywhere to experience autumn in western North Carolina with one of the South's most gifted storytellers and facilitators. The workshop is September 29 - October 2, and you may find the details and registration form here. If you are interested, I encourage you to act soon! I'm sure this will fill up quickly.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Poetry Council recognizes Nancy Simpson

Netwest co-founder, Nancy Simpson, wins high acclaim from the NC Poetry Council. Read this article in the Citzen-Times newspaper. Nancy has been mentor ot many of us and we are happy to see the Poetry Counxcil recognize this noted poet.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Netwest Members at Work, photos of past events

I have a number of photos in my files taken at Netwest events over the years. I thought our viewers would enjoy putting faces and names together and I am sharing them here. Please leave your comments about these writers, their work, their influence on writing in the mountains or whatever you think is pertinent.
Nancy Simpson read from her book, Above the Frost Line, New and Collected Poems, published by Carolina Wren Press at Coffee With the Poets and Writers in Hayesville, NC

Carole Thompson and Karen Holmes read at the John C. Campbell Folk School, Poets and Writers Reading Poems and Stories.Karen Holmes, poet, edits and publishes our info packed Netwest News that should come to you online if you are on our membership list.

Linda Smith gets ready to read at Coffee with the Poets, at Phillips and Lloyd Books, in Hayesville. Linda served as Netwest P.R. person until recently. She also scheduled the Folk School Readings for this year.

Gary Carden, storyteller, writer, and playwright. His Liars Bench has become a popular event in western NC.Gary says he is taking the show on the road and will be in various cities in towns in the coming months.

Glenda Barrett, poet and writer, shows off her poetry chapbook pubished by Finishing Line Press.
When the Sap Rises is a lovely book of poems by this native of Appalachian.

Shirley Uphouse and Glenda Beall meet the public and sign books in Hayesville a couple of years ago.
Shirley's book is My Dogs, My Friends. My book is A Cup of Comfort for Horse Lovers and includes an essay about my husband and a special horse.

Ladies of the Candy Fund came to visit. From left are Netwest members, Mary Ricketson, Mary Jo Dyer, Glenda Beall, Gwendie Camp and Cheryl Dietrich.

Estelle Rice, long time member of Netwest, reads at Moss Library.

Dorothea Spiegel reading at the Moss Library. For a number of years, Netwest held a Christmas Reading with two featured writers or poets followed by an open mic. Dorothea has moved away now, but comes to visit when she can. Her daughter is Linda Smith.

Christmas past. Carole Thompson, Nancy Gadsby and Estelle Rice brought Christmas cheer to the audience that evening. Carole is our Georgia Representative. Nancy was leading a writing for children's group. Estelle teaches fiction writing at Writers Circle.
Clarence Newton is one of our best and most favorite poets. Here he is reading at CWP at Phillips and Lloyd. His humor and his wise take on the issues of today, enrich  his work whether essay, poem or newspaper article.

Lana Hendershott at a book table selling Echoes across the Blue Ridge. Lana is Netwest Rep from Hendersonville, NC. Read her stories in Echoes.

Jayne Jaudon Ferrer and Kathryn Stripling Byer meet at the Bookfest in Hendersonville. Both are poets, but target different markets. Jayne is the author of several books of poems based on her experience of raising sons. She is a widely sought speaker for women's organizations.
Kay Byer is past Poet Laureate of North Carolina and was Netwest Program Coordinator in 2010.

We will continue with more photos of Netwest members in the future. We hope this will help us get better acquainted and put names with faces. Look for writing publications by our members.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Read's Review of Women's Spaces Women's Places

Celia Miles and Nancy Dillingham's new anthology includes the work of many Netwest writers and poets.
Read what Rob Neufield has to say about this book and the work inside.

Saturday, July 2, 2011


Just wanted to announce that I have a new blog, one devoted to mountain culture, conservation, politics, cooking, poetry, stories--anything that's important to me and my readers. Take a look and leave a comment, suggestion, story. Just go to The Mountain Woman.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

July Writers' Night Out

Published authors Glenda Barrett and Brenda Kay Ledford will read their work on Friday, July 8 at 7 p.m. at Mountain Perk Coffee House in Hiawassee. Those who’d like to share their own poetry or prose can participate in the open microphone portion of the program following the featured readers. The evening also features local musicians.

Glenda Barrett, a native of Hiawassee, Georgia is an artist, poet and writer. Her writing has been published in Journal of Kentucky Studies, Farm & Ranch Living, Country Woman, Woman's World, Rural Heritage, Chicken Soup for the Soul and many others. Barrett’s poetry chapbook, When the Sap Rises, was published by Finishing Line Press. Her Appalachian Art is for sale on Fine Art America.

Hayesville’s Brenda Kay Ledford has had work in many publications including Yesterday’s Magazette, Our State, Pembroke Magazine, Appalachian Heritage, Broad River Review (Gardner-Webb University), Echoes Across the Blue Ridge, The Reach of Song, and other journals and anthologies. She’s listed with A Directory of American Poets and Fiction Writers. Ledford received the Paul Green Award from North Carolina Society of Historians for her three poetry chapbooks. Recently, Ledford co-authored the book, Simplicity, with her mother, Blanche L. Ledford.

Writers’ Night Out takes place on the second Friday of each month at Mountain Perk Coffee House, 1390 Highway 76 East in Chatuge Harbor Plaza across from Towns County High School. The evening is free and open to the public. Food, gourmet coffees and other refreshments are available for purchase. Those interested in reading at the open microphone may sign up at the event. Each writer can read for up to two minutes.

Writers’ Night Out began in April 2011 and has steadily grown in popularity, drawing audiences from four counties. It’s a relaxed atmosphere for anyone who loves the written word.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Brenda Kay Ledford (pictured above) and Mrs. Doris Roberson will appear on Windstream Communications' Channel 4 cable TV. The "Common Cup" will air at 9:30AM, 4:00 PM, and 7:30 PM on Friday, June 24, 2011.

Mrs. Roberson will tell about the Truett Baptist Camp at Hayesville, NC. She and husband, Richard Roberson, are the directors of the camp.

Brenda will present her research paper about Dr. George W. Truett who was born in the 1800's where the Truett Camp is presently located. Dr. Truett was a world-renown Baptist minister during the early 1900's. He was the pastor of the First Baptist Church of Dallas, TX for 47 years.

Jim Geer, host of the Common Cup, interviewed Mrs. Roberson and Brenda on this program. Mark Mote produced the program and inserted many photos of Truett Camp and Dr. Truett on the show.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Call for Poetry Submissions

Robert S. King wants to spread the word about a special project at FutureCycle Press.
"We're looking for poetry submissions on social or political themes for a forthcoming anthology, tentatively called American Society: What Poets See.
Find submission guidelines at:

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Poets and Writers Reading Poems and Stories at JCCFS, Thursday Evening June 16

Reading this month at the John C. Campbell Folk School in Brasstown, NC, are two long time members of NCWN West. Glenda C. Beall and Brenda Kay Ledford.
The reading begins at 7:00 PM at the Keith House.  Everyone is invited to attend and we hope you will.There is no admission charge.

Glenda Council Beall lives in Hayesville, NC. Glenda finds memories come to surface in her writing. Many of her poems, such as Clearing New Ground, from her poetry chapbook, are narratives that tell stories she remembers from childhood.
She is a multi-genre writer, but she first began publishing poetry in 1996, shortly after moving to the mountains. Her poems have appeared in literary journals such as Main Street Rag, The Journal of Kentucky Studies, Appalachian Heritage, Red Owl Magazine, and online in Wild Goose Poetry Review. One of her poems was chosen for Kakalak, North Carolina Poets, 2009.
Glenda’s poetry can be found in numerous and various anthologies including the recently released, Women’s Spaces, Women’s Places, and in From Freckles to Wrinkles from Silver Boomer Books. In 2009, her poetry chapbook, Now Might as Well be Then, was published by Finishing Line Press. Two poems from that book were recently re-published online by Future Cycle Press. Her poems will also appear in the Poetry Hickory anthology for 2010.
Her short stories have been published in online journals, Muscadine Lines; A Southern Journal and The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature. Her personal essays have been published in Echoes across the Blue Ridge, Reunion Magazine, and in Cup of Comfort for Horse Lovers.
Breath and Shadow, an online journal will publish a non-fiction article, Pass it on,  in their July issue.

Glenda is past Program Coordinator for North Carolina Writers Network West, and now serves as Clay County Representative for Network West.

A graduate of the University of Georgia, she earned her BS degree in education. She began studying writing in 1996, attending classes taught by teachers in the writing program at the Folk School. She has attended workshops and writing conferences through the North Carolina Writers’ Network for fifteen years and has learned the ends and outs of writing and publishing. When she isn’t working on her own poems and stories, she enjoys teaching others the joy of writing.  She is on faculty at John C. Campbell Folk School and will teach a writing class this summer, August 21 – 27. She is Director of Writers Circle, a writing studio at her home.

Brenda Kay Ledford is a native of Clay County, NC. Her work has appeared in many publications including Yestersdays Magazette, Our State, Pembroke Magazine, Appalachian Heritage, Broad River Review (Gardner Webb University), Echoes Across the Blue Ridge, The Reach of Song and other journals and anthologies. She is listed with  A Directory of American Poets and Fiction Writers and is a member of North Carolina Writers' Network West, North Carolina Poetry Society, Georgia Poetry Society and Byron Herbert Reece Society.

Ledford received the Paul Green Award from North Carolina Society of Historians for her three poetry chapbooks. She co-authored the book, "Simplicity," with her mother, Blanche L. Ledford.
Ledford's readings are  performances.  She is a story teller as well as a poet and writer and you never know what surprise she has for her audience.

Thursday evening, June 16, promises to be an evening of fun for those who enjoy writing and writers. .

Monday, June 6, 2011

Can You Really Teach Someone to Write?

Your Life - Your Stories - Folk School class in 2003

I remember the first day of the first class I taught at John C. Campbell Folk School. Nancy Simpson, Resident Writer at JCCFS, had called and asked me to substitute for an instructor who was unable to come to teach a weekend class.

I was delighted to have the opportunity. I had been teaching at an adult education program at a church in North Georgia and found I enjoyed working with senior adults who were not necessarily writers, but wanted to write about their lives to leave a legacy for their families.

This became one of the most fullfilling experiences of my life. All were beginners to the world of writing classes and writing workshops. With a little encouragement each student poured out stories about their lives, stories I knew their families would cherish for generations. I still hear from students in that class.
My first class at the Folk School met in the wet room, a room set up with long tables, a room far too big for our small class, but it didn't matter. It served our purpose.
I arrived early, around 3:30 Friday afternoon. I approached the door and turned the key in the lock. For a minute I stood there, remembering when I was fresh out of college, entering my first classroom for children, scared but eager to make a positive difference in the lives of fourth graders. That was years ago and only a few of those children have I heard from or seen since they left Sylvester Road Elementary. I hope the year they spent with me helped them on their life's journey.

Now, more than thirty years later, I had come full circle. Once again I came as a teacher, not of children, but to do what I could to make a positive difference in the lives of adults.

Our time together was short; Friday evening and Saturday, but it was fruitful. A gentleman in the class said to me as he left on Sunday. "I'm so glad I came. I have carried around this envelope filled with stuff about my father for years, and now I know what I will do with it. Thank you."

Through the years it has been rewarding to hear from my students who have published memoirs, either for their family or for the public. I have read their work on blogs, in magazines and in their books.
I am always delighted to see their accomplishments.
I don't take credit for their success, but I am happy to have been a small part of it.
I look forward to teaching a week-long class at John Campbell Folk School in August. Once again I'll meet interesting people with unique lives, and I will do all I can to help these writers get those life stories on paper for those whom they love. Maybe you will be one of those writers.

Glenda C. Beall -

Local residents, ask for half price on tuition.
Your Life—Your Stories (contact to register online)
August 21-26, 2011 (Sunday-Friday Session)
Instructor: Glenda Beall
Tuition: $488.00
Use your life experiences, favorite photos, or keepsakes to help you develop stories and personal essays. Your stories are unique. Write to publish or to save for your children and grandchildren. Share your work and get feedback that will help polish each piece you write. This class is for beginning and intermediate writers.

Sunday, June 5, 2011


Poet Nancy Simpson featured at Coffee With The Poets

The North Carolina Writers Network West (Netwest) will feature accomplished poet, Nancy Simpson of Hayesville, at Coffee with the Poets at 10:30 a.m. June 8 at Café Touché, 82 Main St., Hayesville.
The North Carolina Writers Network West (Netwest) will feature accomplished poet, Nancy Simpson of Hayesville, at Coffee with the Poets at 10:30 a.m. June 8 at Café Touché, 82 Main St., Hayesville.
HAYESVILLE — The North Carolina Writers Network West (Netwest) will feature accomplished poet, Nancy Simpson of Hayesville, at Coffee with the Poets at 10:30 a.m. June 8 at Café Touché, 82 Main St.
Simpson’s most recent poetry collection, “Living above the Frost LineNew and Selected Poems,” was published by Carolina Wren Press in 2010. Her first books were “Night Student” and “Across Water.” She edited the recently published anthology “Echoes across the Blue Ridge.
She holds an MFA from Warren Wilson College and a B.S. in education from Western Carolina University. She also received a North Carolina Arts Fellowship.
Known as a co-founder of N.C. Writers Network West, a non-profit, professional writing organization serving writers living in  the remote mountains west of Asheville, she is also known as teacher to poets and writers in this area.
Nancy Simpson's extensive body of poetry includes poems published in The Georgia Review, Southern Poetry Review, Seneca Review, New Virginia Review, Prairie Schooner and other literary magazines. 
Her poems are often chosen for anthologies. “Night Student” was reprinted in “Word and Wisdom100 Years of N.C. Poetry” and in “Literary Trails of N.C.” (2008). The Southern Poetry Review included one of her poems in their 50th Anniversary issue, “Don't Leave Hungry.” Her poem “Carolina Bluebirds” was chosen for The Poets Guide to Birds (Anhinga 2009), an anthology edited by Judith Kitchen and former Poet Laureate of the United States, Ted Kooser. Seven of her poems are featured in Southern Appalachian Poetry, a textbook anthology published at McFarland Press.
Her poetry is widely published in journals such as The Journal of Kentucky Studies, Cooweescoowee Reviewat Will Rogers University and Pisgah Review.
Through 2010 Simpson served as Resident Writer at the John C. Campbell Folk School in Brasstown. The literary community in Clay, Cherokee, Towns and Union Counties is largely made up of her students and students of writers she invited to teach at the Folk School. Presently she teaches at Institute for Continuing Learning at Young Harris College and continues to teach poetry writing at John C. Campbell Folk School.
Coffee with the Poets is open to all and any lover of writing is welcome to come listen or bring an original poem, short essay or story to read at open mic.
For more information,  Glenda Beall 389-4441.