Thursday, January 15, 2009

Valentine's Day

The robins returned today.
Their voices filled the hills
and lifted my heart.

I spied with my binoculars
on these strange cupids
wearing scissor-tailed coats.

The robins returned today.
They covered my lawn
with a bronze blanket.

The sentinels strutted through
snowflakes spearing worms
with their arrow beaks.

The robins returned today.
Their songs lifted my heart
and brought a message of hope.
by: Brenda Kay Ledford


  1. Loved this poem by Brenda! She is sooo talented. Makes me long for spring on this cold morning!

  2. Did you see a robin in January, Brenda,or is this just wishful thinking?
    I look for the robins each year and they are the promise of spring.
    Thanks for posting this poem.

  3. A lovely hope filled poem, Brenda. Put me right in the mood for some spring fever. Thank You!

  4. Lovely poem by Brenda Kay Ledford. I remember the first time I saw my whole lawn covered with robins and I thought it was a miracle just for me. LOL


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