Sunday, March 23, 2025

Mountain Wordsmiths to Hear Popular Storyteller Kanute Rarey March 27

Kanute Rarey, a well-known and beloved storyteller, is the March 27 featured reader at Mountain Wordsmiths.  The Wordsmiths meet monthly over Zoom at 10:30 a.m.

Many of you already know Kanute, but if you don’t know him, here’s your opportunity. 

Kanute Rarey
Born and raised on a family farm in Ohio, Kanute's early years were “rich with material” for family stories. He played with cats and dogs on the farm, helped feed the chickens, and rolled down hills in the pasture field behind the barn. Then, his life was shaken by the sudden death of his mother when he was six.

From his first week-long workshop in 2015 with national storyteller, Elizabeth Ellis, at the John C. Campbell Folk School in Brasstown, NC, Kanute says, “Elizabeth opened the door to that canary cage and the bird flew out.”

His first step in storytelling and one that he is most proud of is a program he developed in 2016 for folks at area care centers, senior centers and retirement communities. Called “Reminiscing, Storytelling and Capturing Personal History,” it combines discussion and story to remind us of the present and the past and helps us find joy in the moment.

In 2015, he started helping with the annual Georgia Mountain Storytelling Festival, a growing festival and the first of its kind in the area. In 2018, he started a storytelling group, Mountain Area Storytellers. 

Kanute enjoys sharing with others his lively stories and poetry. They are often about his adventures discovering the world and his unique experiences in life that brought him to the mountains. “I am in awe of the many wonderful writers we have in our community. It is a joy each day to wake to the morning sun as it breaks across our surrounding mountain tops and lights each new day”.

To join over Zoom email Carroll Taylor  at for the Zoom meeting link.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

John C. Campbell Folk School co-sponsors the NCWN-West monthly Readings

 On March 20, The NCWN-West monthly readings by two members of NCWN, Lorraine Bennett and Glenda Beall, will begin on the third Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM in the Keith House at JCCFS. The community is welcome and the students at the folk school are urged to drop in. No charge.

The program is hosted by author, MaryJo Dyre. She will introduce the two guests who will share their original work, poetry or prose, fiction or nonfiction. You might laugh, you might tear up, but you will be glad you came. Everyone gets the opportunity to ask a question or make a comment about writing, the guests, or ask how to join NC Writers Network and NC Writers Network-West.

Anyone who lives within the area of nine counties in North Carolina, Cherokee, Clay, Swain, Graham, Jackson, Haywood, Transylvania, Macon, Henderson, or in the bordering counties of Georgia, South Carolina, and Tennessee and joins NCWN will automatically become members of NCWN -West, North Carolina Writers' Network. 

The writing community in far western NC grew from a small number who did not know each other to a thriving membership after the mountain branch was formed in the early nineties. Before the Internet, holding meetings for writers in the mountains was almost impossible. Due to terrain and distance, the program was fashioned in a way for each county to have a representative from NCWN-West who brought local people together once a month for a meeting about writing where authors, poets, journalists, and anyone who likes to write, could find kindred souls, where they could share ideas, give helpful advice and receive encouragement from others like them. 

Today NCWN-West sponsors a group for writers throughout each month. A poetry critique group, Room for Poets, meets at the  Young Harris Library, 698 Miller St., Young Harris, GA On the second Thursday of Each Month from 1 to 3 p.m.  Maren Mitchel or Michael Wright facilitate 706-379-3732

Coffee with the Poets and Writers meets monthly at the Moss Memorial Library in Hayesville. This group began in 2007 and is the most popular gathering where a guest gives a presentation and then the floor is open to anyone who wants to share a poem or read a short prose piece. Joan Howard and Marcia Barnes, both published writers and poets, facilitate this group.

During the Pandemic, groups could not safely meet as usual, so Carroll Taylor, poet and author from Hiawassee, Georgia, began hosting an online group that is enjoyed by writers across the country as well as those who are local. Mountain Wordsmiths features outstanding writers from far and near. An Open Mic time follows the guest and those present may share an original poem or short prose piece. Anyone can join in by contacting Carroll Taylor who will send the link for entering the event held at 10:30 AM on the fourth Thursday. No one is expected to read or share unless they want to. Carroll says anyone interested in listening is welcome to attend.

In Henderson County, NCWN West holds meetings in which writers from several counties attend. The Representative for Henderson County is Kathleen Calby. Please contact:  for more information.

Visit to learn more.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Brenda Kay Ledford's Poem Published in Collaborature

 Brenda Kay Ledford's poem, "Refuse to be Unhappy," will be featured on "Collaborature," March 03, 2025.

Visit this site for information about an upcoming poetry contest that will pay the winners.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Valentine's Day at Peacock to Feature Local Playwrights and Poets


Add a postscript to your Valentine's Day celebration next Saturday evening! Treat your sweetheart to a night at the Peacock Performing Arts Center in Hayesville, North Carolina! Enjoy an evening of reader’s theater with local actors and playwrights delivering entertainment at every turn!

An Evening of One Act Plays is the latest event in the popular Scribes on Stage Series.  The first half features Midnight, a brand-new play by local playwright Carroll S. Taylor, and a new presentation of Get Up and Bar the Door, a 1935 play written by students at the John C. Campbell Folk School. 

During intermission, enjoy a wide selection of snacks and beverages in the newly-updated lobby, and meet and greet the local authors who are performing their work.

During the second half of the evening, you'll hear local poets and authors Richard Cary, Mary Ricketson, Michael Wright, and Sandy Benson share their new writings. 

Tickets are available online and at the door.

Peacock Performing Arts Center
301 Church Street, Hayesville, NC


Sunday, January 12, 2025

Susan Posey Featured Reader at January Mountain Wordsmith

        The first Mountain Wordsmiths of the 2025 season will feature Susan Posey on Thursday, January 23, at 10:30 a.m. via Zoom. The monthly event is sponsored by North Carolina Writers’ Network-West.

Susan Posey

       The gatherings will begin with our guest reader, Susan Posey, author of  two books of historical fiction. Posey is a native of Asheville, NC, where she now lives with her husband Bill Jacobs, their two cats, and their dog for most of the year, and in Cashiers, NC, the rest of the year. She and her husband lived for many years in Atlanta, where they raised a son and daughter. From 2002-2013, she lived in Cashiers full-time, making treasured friends and starting the Blue Ridge Free Dental Clinic, as well as continuing a practice of psychotherapy.

       From an early age, Posey loved the woods of Western North Carolina and their wild plants. While in Cashiers, she learned from a cousin about the family history on her mother’s side. The Welsh family of Reeses in this area are descendants of David Reese, a planter in Anson, now Mecklenburg County. A family story recalls the journey of her many-times great-aunts who came down the primitive trail, later called The Great Wagon Road, alone. They were herb women and collected plants of the New World as they traveled in the 1750s to North Carolina’s frontier to see their brother David. 

       Posey greatly admired the courage and fortitude it took to do this. When she retired, she wrote a historical fiction book imagining what the two sisters and their adventures must have been like. After six years of writing and research, this became A Home on Wilder Shores, her first novel. At the request of readers, she wrote a sequel, A Weave of Old and New

       Posey is a graduate of Duke University and has a master’s degree from the Catholic University of America. 

       NCWN-West continues to stay in touch by using technology to share our writing. We offer writing events and writing classes both online and in person. Mountain Wordsmiths gatherings always take place on Zoom. Attendees are welcome to bring a poem or short prose piece to read during Open Mic. Please limit the reading to 3-5 minutes.

       Those wishing to attend Mountain Wordsmiths may contact Carroll Taylor at or to receive the Zoom link. Our group is informal, and we welcome those who would simply like to listen to the beauty of wordsmithing. All who attend are encouraged to enjoy their morning cup of coffee or tea as we share our thoughts about writing.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Poetry in Plain Sight Winners

This is a wonderful contest run by The North Carolina Poetry Society in partnership with the NC Writers’ Network, Winston-Salem Writers, and Press 53. It was an honor to be one of the judges, even though I had to read almost 400 poems! Since judging was blind, it was fun discovering whose poems we’d chosen. 

Here is the list of winning poets and the schedule for when their poems will be on display throughout the state of North Carolina. 

For more information about the contest, scroll down on this page:

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

A Path To Freedom, A North Carolina Anthology in Honor of Military Veterans

 A Path to Freedom, edited by Lenard D. Moore, LeJuane "El'Ja" Bowens, and Shannon C. Ward, from Fayetteville's Longleaf Press, illustrates the bounty and diversity of 50 writers in North Carolina.  

David Plunkett, Tom Davis, and Brenda Kay Ledford have poetry in this anthology that honors military veterans.  

" This is a remarkable volume, " said Joseph Bathanti, North Carolina Poet Laureate (2012-14) & 2016 Charles George VA Medical Center Writer-in-Residence.

For information:


Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Chinquapin's Ice Cream Bar to host Benson and Taylor Book Signing, Dec. 7

     Local writers Sandy Benson and Carroll S. Taylor will hold a book-signing event on Saturday, December 7, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Tiger’s Store and Chinquapin’s Ice Cream and Soda Bar in Hayesville. 

Sandy Benson
     Benson is a retired forester with a solid background in journalism. From the mid-1970s through 2018, she worked forestry jobs in Arizona, Oregon, Idaho, Utah, and Nebraska while moonlighting as a reporter, editor, publisher, and freelance non-fiction writer. She has received local and regional writing awards. Her new book, Dear Folks: Letters Home 1943-1946 World War II, contains her curated collection of her father’s letters home from World War II.

 “The collection offers an inside look at military life during wartime through the eyes of a young pilot,” Benson says. “It delves into the nitty gritty of army life, from stateside training camps to British military bases to tent cities in France. Seasoned with the musical hits and popular films of the day and contrasted against a backdrop of family back home during times of sacrifice, rationing, and worry, it will draw readers in and immerse them in history.”

     Benson lives near Warne, NC.

Carroll Taylor
     Taylor is an author, poet, and playwright. With her latest book, she moves from writing young adult novels and children’s books to another genre, Facing Toward the East, her first collection of poems.

     “I’ve been working on many of the poems in my collection for years. I decided it was time to set them free.” In the title poem, she writes, “Ancient people knew and understood, as should we: The East is the direction of eternal hope and grace. Every morning is a rebirth.”

     Taylor’s poems have been published online and in anthologies. As a playwright, she collaborated with the late Raven Chiong to co-write Beneath the Sky and Waters (2022). She also wrote An Appointment with the Year Monger (2024). Both plays were performed at the Peacock Performing Arts Center. 

     A retired educator, she taught for over forty years, from kindergarten to university students. She lives in Hiawassee, Georgia.

Monday, October 28, 2024

Betty Read is Featured Speaker at "Author Talk" Nov. 2

Betty Reed
    Betty Jamerson Reed of Brevard, NC, educator and author, will be the guest speaker at the annual “Author Talk” on Saturday, Nov. 2. The event will be held at 2 p.m. at the Mount Vernon Rosenwald School, 454 Mount Vernon Church Road in Iron Station. Attendance is free, and refreshments will be served.

   Reed is the author of three nonfiction books. “The Brevard Rosenwald School” (2004, McFarland) relates the history of a school in Transylvania County that received funds for the renovation of an existing black school in the 1920s.

    “School Segregation in Western North Carolina, A History, 1860s-1970s” (2011, McFarland) surveys the black schools in that region, their faculties and staff, students, curriculum, and the problems facing small, segregated schools. 

    In 2019, WestBow press published “Soldiers in Petticoats” which relates the efforts of Martha Berry, Sophia Sawyer, and Emily Prudden to educate Native American, black, and white students from the Appalachian region.

    In addition to writing nonfiction, she also writes poetry. Her poetry has been included in numerous anthologies.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Reading and workshop by Cecilia Woloch Thursday, November 21st and Friday, November 22nd, in Sylva and Cullowhee

Local poet Louise Morgan Runyon has asked me to announce that the poet Cecilia Woloch is giving a reading of poetry focused on labor and social justice with Louise on Friday night, November 22nd, at City Lights Books, at 6:00 p.m., and also leading a workshop on Thursday, November 21st, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at St. David’s Episcopal Church in Cullowhee, with a limit of ten participants.  The workshop will be called Our Lives Which Can Never Run Dry: Workshop for Writers in Short-Form Prose & Poetry.

Louise Morgan Runyon facilitates Mountain Word Writers’ Group at City Lights, and all of her books are available there ( ). Contact for more information about the workshop or the reading, or if you would like more information about the Mountain Word Writers’ Group.

 I’ve never met Cecilia myself, but Kay Byer was very fond of her.  She is indeed, as her bio says, an award-winning poet with fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Fulbright Foundation and with a national and international reputation and has just returned from two years teaching in Poland. I won't be able to meet her this time, either, alas, because I'll be at a conference, but I hope that some of you may.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Contest Deadline Extended: Poetry in Plain Sight

NC Poetry Society 

New deadline: October 25

Due to the hurricane, the North Carolina Poetry Society extended the Poetry in Plain Sight deadline by 10 days. If you live in North Carolina, have poems under 20 lines and have access to the internet, plus the time and energy, consider submitting to this wonderful contest. You will have a chance to have your poem displayed in public places around the state. 

For more information and submission guidelines, visit the NC Poetry Society’s Poetry in Plain Sight page here: The judges this year are Karen Paul Holmes and Stephanie Pilar. 


The program is a collaborative effort of the North Carolina Poetry Society, North Carolina Writers' Network, Winston-Salem Writers, and Press 53 of Winston-Salem.