Ed Southern, Executive Director of NCWN |
This is from his email:
"With North Carolina stuck in Phase 2 of our "re-opening," and our neighboring states having re-opened to greater degrees, we've heard that some of you have questions about when you can start hosting monthly, in-person events again.
Again, the short answer is, "You can't . . . at least not in the NCWN's name. Not now, and not anytime soon."
At this point, I don't feel comfortable enough even to set guidelines on when you can think about re-starting in-person events. COVID-19 diagnoses continue to rise, and many of our members are part of particularly vulnerable populations. The NC Writers' Network will not take part in exposing anyone to unnecessary risk.
We recognize that those of you in smaller towns and rural areas face different circumstances and dangers than those in large cities. As soon as we feel we can formulate safe, responsible, and comprehensive guidelines for in-person events, we will let you know.
If you have questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to let us know."
Some events are still meeting but on Zoom. Bob Grove said the prose group that usually meets in Murphy is meeting same time and date but online.
Writers Night Out set to meet at the Ridges Resort in Hiawassee, GA will continue this month with guest Carroll S. Taylor.