
Thursday, July 16, 2009

NOW MIGHT AS WELL BE THEN by Glenda Council Beall

Finishing Line Press recently announced the publication date for Glenda Beall's new poetry collection titled NOW MIGHT AS WELL BE THEN.
Click Here to order your copy.

(Cover by Mike Keller)

$12.00 plus $1.00 mailing fee if ordered before October 16, 2009

Posted by Nancy Simpson

I know these poems well, and I feel the excitement in the air knowing her book, NOW MIGHT AS WELL BE THEN, will soon be in my hands. All of us who know Glenda as our NC Writers Network Program Coordinator, are placing our orders now. It is a bitter sweet time for Glenda, as she is caring for her life mate and husband Barry Beall, the subject of a number of her poems, who is seriously ill.

"I asked for an early release of the book for Barry," Glenda wrote to me, "and I wonder if he will ever see the finished book."


  1. Congratulations Glenda on the book publication. Hope Barry is doing better by the day. You're in our thoughts and prayers and we think of you both each and every day. Thanks Nancy for posting this to our Netwest site.

  2. As always, Glenda, I look forward to reading your fine poetry. Kudos on this publication!

    Love and peaceful blessings to you and dear Barry during this sad transition of your journey together. I hold you both near and dear.

  3. I'm really proud of Glenda publishing her poetry chapbook. I've ordered a copy and look forward to reading it. Love and peace to Glenda and her family.


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