
Saturday, June 21, 2008

Betty Cloer Wallace's Tuckaseegee Chronicles

After a failed uprising against England in 1745, Scots Highlander exiles
emigrate to America where they operate a trading post and packhorse enterprise among Cherokee Indians. As Mairy MacNeill comes of age, she learns that the Cherokee are not unlike Scottish clans both culturally and spiritually, that war between the Cherokee and English is inevitable, that friendship and loyalty can cross cultural boundaries, and that loving a man, either trader's son Joe Buck Cheatham or Cherokee warrior Otter, can be elusive.
Mairy's Cherokee friends Redwing and Standing Wolf find each other, but
realize that unscrupulous traders and settlers coming into their homeland bring conflict that will forever change their lives and the future of the Cherokee Nation.
Set in the heart of America's first frontier during the early years of the
French and Indian War, TUCKASEEGEE is carefully researched for historical and cultural accuracy.

Betty Cloer Wallace is Macon County Representative for NCWN West.

CHRONICLES - Amazon book page and excerpt (free download of first three chapters) may be accessed at ....... Author's Amazon profile and blog may be accessed at ....... Author's e-mail:


  1. Sounds very interesting-one I'll check out!

  2. Well, I am a little confused. This post doesn't tell me much about Betty's amazing work, and I think that I need a good deal of additional information. I know for a fact that "Tuckaseigee" is a massive work, and that the author is currently editing it...possibly from three vols. to one. I read the first chapter on Amazon where it generated a great deal of comment and interest, and I would like to see her work described more fully on this blog. Is it possible to access the response to the Amazon posting of "Tuckaseigee" on this blog?

  3. If you click on the Amazon address below the post, you can go right to the Amazon site where Betty's book is listed and the comments are there. Just one little click will get you to what you want to see.

  4. Bettie, I did as Glenda said and clicked. It was
    fascinating to see so much on line interest in your novel Tuckaseegee. Congratulations on all of the
    serious comments from on line readers. This is a book I will read. Second to poetry, Historical Fiction is my favorite genre.

    Nancy Simpson


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