
Sunday, June 22, 2008

Hendersonville Writers met with Ed Southern

At lunch, Ed and Glenda Beall met with Lana Hendershott, Susan Snowden, Nancy Purcell and Bob Greenwald to discuss writing in Henderson

Ed Southern, Executive Director for NCWN, gave the Network a face for writers in Henderson, Transylvania, and Haywood Counties at a meeting at the Henderson County Library on June 16.
Everyone appreciated his answering the many questions members and non-members asked about NCWN and his vision for the future.
Some quotes from those attending are " This was a good meeting. Maybe we can have another, maybe quarterly."
It was an excellent way for local writers to meet each other and make plans to form groups, readings and other events in the area.
Nancy Purcell who has been a Netwest Rep in Transylvania country for a couple of years, was delighted to meet possible leaders for Netwest in Henderson County. Her hope is to hold a couple of big writing workshops each year in Brevard and in Hendersonville.
What do you folks in those towns think about that idea?
Just click on comments at the bottom of this post and let us know.

Photos by Barry Beall


  1. Ed Southern took this visit to heart and has worked within other counties around the state, putting strong, willing writers in the seat of volunteering to be a voice for NCWN in their community. Ed is to be commended for his willingness to open another door. I recommend anyone interested in building a vibrant writing network in their community to contact Ed Southern through the NCWriters Network. He'll listen to your ideas and work to bring them to fruition.
    Nancy Purcell

  2. You are right, Nancy. Ed has done much to help the writing community in North Carolina. I enjoyed that meeting with all of you in Hendersonville and I am so delighted to see how you, Lana Hendeshott and others have connected in the area. You have been a blessing to writers there.


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