
Friday, July 8, 2022

Good Tip for writers from Stephen King

Going through files on my computer, I find gems that I shared long ago. This is one I like.

 Hello Friends,

This came in my Inbox this week and I think it makes sense. I read Stephen King’s book On Writing and it is a great book for writers. So I am sharing this with you.          Glenda Beall


1 – Take one little step.

When I read Stephen King’s book On Writing, I noticed something. I noticed that when Stephen King gets an idea, he writes it -- Immediately and imperfectly.

Most people get an idea.

Then they sit there.

They wonder if it’s a good idea.

Then, they wonder if it’s a good idea some more.

Stop doing this.

Next time you get an idea…

…do something tiny. Write a paragraph, pick up the phone, make an outline. Do something.


We are all guilty of this. We think the idea will stay with us and later, when we have time, we will write about it. Sadly, those good ideas are fleeting. They fade away like morning fog, and we can’t remember them, no matter how hard we try.

Did you have a good idea this week? Did you do something?

1 comment:

  1. I keep journals with lots of ideas, but I need to start keeping one next to my bed. Many of those ideas come to me as I drift off into sleep. Also, in the early morning hours during that half-awake time I drift into dreams. If I don't write down those thoughts they are gone. But I've also discovered that the best ideas hound me until I have no choice but to record them, so not all is lost! And I second Glenda's comment on Stephen King's book On Writing. I keep it on my desk and quite often use it for reference.


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