
Saturday, April 11, 2020

Writers' Night Out with Zoom

Tonight, April 10, at 7:00 PM, we held our monthly Writers' Night Out meeting on Zoom where we could see and hear each other. Karen Holmes hosted this event that featured Rupert Fike who did a terrific job of reading his poetry and talking to us about the craft of writing poetry. I believe twenty people participated, and some were audio only using their phones.

Several people read during the Open Mic session.

While learning to use Zoom can be a challenge for some of our writers, I believe most of us can master this and find it is a good method of visiting with family and friends as we all self-quarantine to protect ourselves and others from COVID-19. We  must follow the guidelines about staying home and helping to stop the spread of this deadly illness.

Here in our mountain area, a number of people have been diagnosed with this virus and it only takes one person to expose us and endanger our lives and the lives of those we love.

As writers, we should find this time beneficial because it gives us time to write. The most precious thing is time and e we usually can't find enough with our busy lives. As we are forced to slow down, to stay home and entertain ourselves, what better activity than writing poetry, working on our manuscripts,  revising work we have put away.

We are looking forward to the day when we can meet again at Moss Library or the John C. Campbell Folk School for Coffee with the Poets and Writers and the Literary Hour. But until that time, we can stay in touch by phone and by email or with other online methods.

Thanks to all who joined us for WNO on Zoom. Let us know how you liked it.
Contact me, 
Glenda Beall

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