
Sunday, August 19, 2012

You don't want to miss this one!

We have the opportunity to take advantage of Rosemary Royston's years of study and her knowledge of where to submit our poems for publication. Don't be frightened if you haven't submitted your poetry. This is the time to learn all about it with others who need some of the same guidance you need.

Send it Out, Now!
Saturday, August 25, 10:00 – 1:00 PM, 2012

This class is for Intermediate to Advanced poets, or those who write poetry but have not had the courage to submit their work.

Purpose of the Class: You will leave with at least one new journal to which you can submit your finished poems, along with a resource list of journals and websites that are helpful to the publishing poet. The class facilitator will lead a discussion on how to ascertain what a particular journal is looking for, which contests are worthy of your time and money, and the in’s and out’s of good practice in submitting. This will be a discussion-based class, with time set aside to read at least one of your poems

What to Bring:

1) The print journal and/or a printout of your work in the online journal, web address included.

2) 3-5 poems that you are ready to submit.

3) Envelopes and stamps.

Instructor: Rosemary Royston
Fee: $25.00 
Contact Glenda Beall @ 828-389-4441 or E-mail 

Instructor bio: 

Royston holds an MFA in Writing from Spalding University. Her poetry chapbook Splitting the Soil is forthcoming in 2012 by Redneck Press, and she is currently seeking a publisher for her first full collection, Soulangenea. She has also had poetry published in journals such as The Comstock Review, Main Street Rag, Coal Hill Review, FutureCycle, and Alehouse. Her essays on writing poetry are included in Women and Poetry: Tips on Writing, Teaching and Publishing by Successful Women Poets. Her poetry has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize, and she was the recipient of the 2010 Literal Latte Food Verse Award. Most recently, she received Honorable Mention in the George Scarbrough Poetry Contest, Mountain Heritage Literary Festival.  She currently serves as the Program Coordinator for the North Carolina Writers Network-West.  Her blog is

1 comment:

  1. This class is for Intermediate to Advanced poets, or those who write poetry but have not had the courage to submit their work.


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