
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Wild Goose Poetry Review published Netwest Poets

Congratulations to Netwest member, Barbara Gabriel. Just a couple of years ago, she began studying the craft of writing with a serious bent toward accomplishment. See two of her poems in Wild Goose Poetry Review.

While reading Wild Goose, you will find Robert S. King's poetry.
I love trees and I love this verse:

"Do leaves feel the weeping of wind and sky,
the pincers of insects, the saws cutting
through the nerves down to the roots?"

Read another mountain poet, Michael Beadle. This poem sends a shiver up my spine.
And congrats to Scott Owens, editor of Wild Goose, for another fine edition of the best online poetry journal.


  1. Thanks for posting this, Glenda. Wild Goose is always a good read.

  2. Thanks for posting this, Glenda. Wild Goose is always a good read.


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