
Monday, November 17, 2008

Poets and Writers Reading Poems and Stories

Two Netwest Members featured at the monthly reading at John C. Campbell Folk School in Brasstown, NC

Jayne Jaudon Ferrer, of Greenville, SC turned a passion for poetry and a desire to stay home with her children into a successful career as an author. Her books include, A New Mother's Thoughts , A Mother of Sons, Dancing with My Daughter and She of the Rib: Women Unwrapped.
Jayne’s ability to connect with her readers was rewarded in 2004 with an invitation from to become a "MomExpert." Nearly a dozen articles by Jayne, all focused on various aspects of parenting and family life, are now featured on the ClubMom site.

Jayne is the South Carolina Representative for Netwest and this will be her first time to read at the historic Folk School.

Natalie Grant of Nantahala, NC writes poetry that reaches out and pulls you along with its flow. She has the ability to reach into the heart of her subject and bring the trueness of it to the surface.
She says she was influenced by the stories and storytellers in her family and community. Natalie has a poetry book and a novel in the working stage. A high school English teacher, she also teaches part time at Tri-County Community College in Graham County.

The readings will be held in the Keith House at John C. Campbell Folk School in Brasstown, NC at 7:00 pm Thursday, November 20. The community is invited to come and enjoy this evening along with the folk school students from all over the United States.


  1. Natalie Grant is one of my favorite people; she was one of our stars in the English Dept. here at WCU. I'm so glad she's reading her work around. She's a real talent.
    As for Kay Ryan, hmmm, didn't much like that chicken poem. Maybe the others are better.

  2. Kay, I agree, Natalie is a terrific writer. I wish we had a photo to put with this post. She stays so busy we're lucky she has time to read at JCCFS, but we are in for a treat with both Natalie and Jayne Ferrer.
    Thanks for your comment.

  3. I wish everyone could have been at JCCFS Thursday evening for this reading. Two exemplary writers, different, but highly interesting. Natalie Grant has a novel in progress. She read a short piece of it. Now we can't wait to read the finished book. Her characterization drew us into the story.
    Jayne drove three hours to come to the Folk School and she said it was worth it. Her poetry provoked questions from a man in the audience. "How do you get accessible poetry published? I like your poetry much better than what I read in the New Yorker. I understand your poetry."
    Jayne finds humor in the everyday life of raising three sons.
    It was an enjoyable evening.


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