Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Way of Men

..............Two men conversed on a bridge,
..............one from town, the other from
..............a place hid in the mountains.

“We in the city know our
self depends on others, for
society is made from friends.”

........................“Self-such I am, like a tree.
........................Harmony makes me whole, yet
........................I stay an individual.”

“All is all and all is one.
To think your way engages
none creates a delusion.”

........................“I stand alone and always
........................have thus stood, autonomous,
........................a part of all yet all apart.”

...............The two men left each other,
...............each in his own mind the better,
...............sure of the other’s error.

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Cox, this poem is genius. Isn't it funny how the two were talking about the same thing but couldn't see it? Like two wise fools in philophosical arguement, bound to their arrangements of the word and realizations. Is it possible that we can be blinded by what helps us see?

    Would you happen to be a descendant of Gen. Jacob Dolson Cox?


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